First, apologies for answering so late. I largely rely on the RSS feed of the forum to know when someone posted a feature request, and changed the link to this feed AGAIN! ??
Your idea certainly is very interesting. Personally, I have never used BuddyPress, so it didn’t even occur to me to add compatibility for it. It makes sense that BuddyPress users should be able to configure this on their profile page just like normal WP users, if this page indeed is a different page from a normal WP setup. I would need to setup a local installation of BuddyPress and have a look around.
As for displaying the default avatar based on e.g. gender: Also a nice idea, but a bit more specialised. I’m not sure that this really belongs under the headline of “avatar privacy”. But still a nice idea, and I have added it to my todo list.
Unfortunately, my job and family don’t really leave time for work on the plugin at the moment. I hope I do manage a simple update soon, to at least test it with the current WP release and bump the version number, but I can’t promise that I will be able to get to the BuddyPress part.
If I do, do you have a local installation to check the plugin before I publish an update?