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  • Plugin Author CreativeMindsSolutions


    We didnt plan this…What is the minimal which is needed can you describe ?


    I’ve bought your plugin and is great, the pro version adds some very usefull features like the widget and categories. Thanks for the work!

    In the buddypress side… maybe would be usefull put the “questions and answers” profile in the buddypress profile page when buddypress is detected. Right now with Buddypress installed seems that there are two profile pages/urls for each user, even in my case the CM Answers profile url is not working.

    Some examples in the buddypress achievement plugin:

    Line 615:

    	         * Register custom menu items
    	         * @global WP_Admin_Bar $wp_admin_bar
    	         * @since Achievements (3.0)
    	        public function admin_bar_menu() {
    	                global $wp_admin_bar;
    	                if ( ! dpa_is_user_active() )
    	                $wp_admin_bar->add_node( array(
    	                        'href'   => dpa_get_user_avatar_link( 'type=url' ),
    	                        'id'     => 'dpa_my_achievements',
    	                        'parent' => 'user-actions',
    	                        'title'  => _x( 'My Achievements', 'Menu item in the toolbar', 'dpa' ),
    	                ) );

    This code adds an element to the navbar user profile menu pointing to an url. But also would be great integrate the CMAnswers profile page into the buddypress profile page. I don’t find the code/doc but the achievements plugin also does that.

    Also would be great to inject the questions and answers activity in the buddypress “activity streamline”

    I’m not sure how easy is the integration but would be fantastic ??

    The buddypress dev codex at:


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