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  • Plugin Author WPGMaps


    I like this idea.
    I’ll be releasing a new version this week which I will try include your idea. ??

    Kind regards

    Thread Starter TPdaking#7782


    Good Day NIck,

    Thank you for the quick response I truly appreciate it. This will help me finalize my project…cant wait for the release it would actually be the only muli-purpose map for buddypress…oh with this release what option would I need to purchase besides the pro version? Thanks again!!!

    Great news, I looking for the same thing.

    Thread Starter TPdaking#7782


    @sielwolf this is something me may have to bring up with the authors for buddy & bbpress. No one seems to want this challenge.

    yep, there is so much to do, I do not think it is in their priorities.
    It remains learning ourselves ??

    Plugin Author WPGMaps


    Hi Guys
    Please can you explain what you require in detail so I can spec this and possibly get going with it

    Thread Starter TPdaking#7782


    @wpgmaps we simply want a map that creates a extra profile tab with geo-tag capabilities so users can show places locally and national where they have visited. So in a itinerary format. As mentioned there is no bp map with this function only for wordpress…take a look a travelmap plugin for wordpress to get an idea…please allow us to test the function before purchase. Thx in advance!

    @wpgmaps thanx a lot for your attention again !
    I m searching a way to automatically put user’s on map (as @TPdaking#7782 says) And also for groups.

    So, my wished features are :

    • Add members on map (data from requierd profil field on registration :eg. Country – state/postcode – street. With possibility to add little offset on geo tag if two members have the same adress ? to avoid overlaping avatar)
    • member avatar on map
    • Add proximity filter in members directory to display member near me (or within x miles)
    • add proximity filter in activty stream to see activity near me (or within x miles)
    • Add groups on map (data requierd from group creation :eg. Country – state/postcode – street. With possibility to add little offset on geo tag if two groups have the same adress ? to avoid overlaping)
    • When searching (eg. members who lives in Chicago)(, display only these results on the map)
    • Customize pictures possibility for groups on the map

    Here is what I see now.

    Thanx you again for your consideration, I am unable to imagine such a project like this with my weak skills ??

    Thread Starter TPdaking#7782


    @siewolf there is a plugin in the directory that does many of the features your talking about like searching members profile proximity in widget format. Its a newer plugin and I tried it but did not give members their own geo tag capability. Check in wordpress for maps and I will check too just cannot remember name…

    @TPdaking#7782 thanx for your reply.
    Maybe you are talking about this one ?
    If yes, it seems not to work with me :\

    Thread Starter TPdaking#7782


    Yes @sielwolf this is the plugin. Yeah the map did not work for me but searching members did but I think it only allows a max of 50 miles so no good for me.

    ok @TPdaking#7782, I especially wanted a plugin for Buddypress which allows the members to position themselves on the map but also to position the group on the map. This is not quite the same request as you ??

    To create route you have this plugin (premium)
    and the test drive :

    Thread Starter TPdaking#7782


    any update with the new features

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