@wpgmaps thanx a lot for your attention again !
I m searching a way to automatically put user’s on map (as @TPdaking#7782 says) And also for groups.
So, my wished features are :
- Add members on map (data from requierd profil field on registration :eg. Country – state/postcode – street. With possibility to add little offset on geo tag if two members have the same adress ? to avoid overlaping avatar)
- member avatar on map
- Add proximity filter in members directory to display member near me (or within x miles)
- add proximity filter in activty stream to see activity near me (or within x miles)
- Add groups on map (data requierd from group creation :eg. Country – state/postcode – street. With possibility to add little offset on geo tag if two groups have the same adress ? to avoid overlaping)
- When searching (eg. members who lives in Chicago)(www.mydomain.com/members/?s=chicago, display only these results on the map)
- Customize pictures possibility for groups on the map
Here is what I see now.
Thanx you again for your consideration, I am unable to imagine such a project like this with my weak skills ??