• Hello,
    I use buddypress and polylang and it works to get my pages into 2 languages (very nice plugin :)). I have only one problem:

    On buddypress profile, login, signup and and member list pages will be anything translated into the chosen language. But only the profile tabs on user profiles like “profile” “messages” “friends”,… are not translated. See on the attached picture (anything is translated into german, but not the profile tabs (english).

    Screenshot: https://tinyurl.com/ofmbghb

    How can I translate also the “profile tabs”?
    Maybe someone have an idea and can help me?

    Thanks and best regards,


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  • Same problem here with Spanish lang.

    PLEASE help. I’m getting crazy with this problem.

    How do you assign different pages for registration in Buddypress?


    I found the solution to this problem:

    You must download de DEVELOPMENT translations files from the DEVELOPMENT branch in:

    You will find the link “Export” in the bottom left of the page, and you’ll get a .po for your language. You must open it with a gettext translations editor (I use “Poedit”) and translate the lines which corresponds to the tabs.

    Once in there, you must save AND rename the files to buddypress-de_DE (or your language).

    And save them in your FTP under /wp-content/language/plugins/.

    After this, you should see everything translated.

    This got me crazy and as it turns out, is a very simple solution when you know how translations for buddypress works.


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