Hi @fabianski
I am sorry, but we don’t have any integrations for synchronizing the custom profile fields. It is something what you can only achieve with custom coding, since most of the profile fields are created by the owner of the site at:
WordPress side bar > Users > Profile fields
Anyway we can give you some hints and tips what would probably work for you:
-we have actions where you can hook custom functions:
the action you are looking for is called “nsl_register_new_user”
The functions that are hooked to this action, will be triggered each time a user is registered with one of the social providers.
So you should write a custom function in which you get the user by the ID what is provided by Nextend Social Login and then you could synchronize the user data, with the custom xprofile field you need.
Here is a basic example code for hooking a function to this action:
function yourCustomFunctionName($user_id, $provider) {
$wp_user_object = new WP_User($user_id);
//your custom code to synchronize the data
add_action('nsl_register_new_user', 'yourCustomFunctionName', 10, 2);
You could give their “xprofile_set_field_data” function a try, since with that you can set profile data for a specific field for a specific user.
If that wouldn’t work, I would suggest getting in touch with the developers of BuddyPress, they can probably provide you more clear information the xprofile functions you need to use.
Best regards,