• Hey there,

    Currently I am working on a new website utilizing BuddyPress 2.9 on WP 4.8.1 and with the BuddyVerified Plugin. I’ve been browsing this support forum for quite a while to see if some of my issues have been solved, sadly they weren’t hence why I post a bunch of my issues here and hope people can help me:

    – Verify Badge Span Code in public messages
    If a public message is sent to a user, the Badge/Verified Icon will show beside the user tagged. Now with certain themes this results in the HTML Code showing in front end.
    The Badge is not required to show in this case. Screenshot: https://prntscr.com/g4hsoe

    – Verify for Groups
    A feature, that allows assigning badges/verified icons to a group is required. Any idea, on how to do that?
    – extra: automatic verify?
    An extra we are currently thinking about is a feature that allows assigning a certain badge/verified icon based on the selection a user makes in the sign up process for a certain input field in a dropdown.

    Thank you very much for your help, I am looking forward hearing your suggestions!

    Best regards,
    Timothy – TNRFX

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