• Jetpack by WordPress.com Ver 8.1.1 BUG

    If this is inserted, it will be a permanent loop on the login screen and you will not be able to log in.
    This is fatal so please submit a bugfic immediately.


    Kore o irete iruto roguin gamen de towa rūpu o shite roguin ga dekinaku narimasu. Kore wa chimei-tekinanode sugu ni bagufikku o dashite kudasai.

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  • Bonjour,

    J’ai exactement le même Problème.

    Impossible de me connecter à mon tableau de bord depuis la MAJ de JETPACK 8.1.1

    Après avoir saisi mon identifiant et mon mot de passe. La fenêtre revient sur elle-même au lieu de m’afficher le tableau de bord.

    WordPress version 5.3.2
    Thème actuel : TwentyTwelve Child (version )
    PHP version 7.2.27


    Pour accéder à mon tableau de bord, je renomme le répertoire JetPack dans PHPadmin, je me connecte ensuite à mon tableau de bord, je vais sur l’onglet “extensions”. WordPress m’indique qu’il a désactivé JetPack. Je retourne dans PhpAdmin pour restaurer le nom du répertoire. Puis je réactive Jetpack. Toutes les fonctions de Jetpack sont disponibles. Je ne ferme pas mon navigateur pour garder la connexion.

    Toutefois, le délai d’expiration de connexion passé, je dois refaire la manipulation.

    Chrome & Firefox : problème identique
    Fénêtre privée et cache vide : problème identique.
    Peut importe l’adresse IP, le problème est identique.

    Bien cordialement

    Plugin Author Jeremy Herve


    Jetpack Mechanic ??

    @yann46wp Could you try to deactivate the Captcha plugin you use to protect your login form, and then reactivate Jetpack? Do the problems remain?


    J’ai désactivé le Plugin “Captcha”
    J’ai désactivé Jetpack.

    J’ai réactivé Jetpack seul.
    Ensuite, je me suis déconnecté.
    Impossible de me reconnecter à mon tableau de bord.
    Le fenêtre revient sur elle même.

    Plugin Author Jeremy Herve


    Jetpack Mechanic ??

    @yann46wp Could you email us via this form so we can run more tests with you?

    Thank you.

    Somebody mentioned backleveling back to 8.1 as a temporary solution.
    1/ I can’t find that version, only 8.0
    2/ Is it recommended, or do we run the risk of making the situation even more confused ?

    Plugin Author Jeremy Herve


    Jetpack Mechanic ??

    @hubiedoobiedoo You can definitely do that until we understand what is going on. You can find version 8.1 here:

    OK thanks. With 8.1, this problem seems to be gone.
    Good luck witht the debugging, and thanks for the good work !

    Thread Starter だにゃん AI



    The same phenomenon as me!
    Thank you for the information!

    Plugin Support lizkarkoski


    Awesome ?? Thanks for letting us know y’all!

    Any update on this from anyone?

    Plugin Support KokkieH


    @galbaras our developers are still trying to figure out what’s causing the issue – while several people have reported this, it’s very few compared to Jetpack’s total userbase, in other words, it’s actually affecting only a small number of sites. We’re also unable to reproduce this problem on our end, so we’re looking for common factors between the sites where this has been reported to us.

    For that reason, anyone else experiencing this please provide the information requested in Jeremy’s comment here. The more information we have, the better our chances of identifying the cause.

    Meanwhile, downgrading back to version 8.1 will allow you to log into your site again while we try to figure this out.

    @lizkarkoski I can’t submit a ticket on this for some reason so replying here.

    What browser is this happening in? Edge and Chrome and Firefox
    Is your browser up to date? Yes
    What happens if you try in an incognito window? Same thing
    What happens if you try in a different browser? Same thing
    What version of WordPress do you use on your site? 5.3.2
    Is your site set to use HTTP or HTTPS? HTTP – it’s a development site
    Could you try clearing your site’s cookies by following those exact steps, and let me know if it helps? Clearing Cookies doesn’t change anything.

    Only disabling Jetpack solves it.

    Plugin Support lizkarkoski


    craigknoydart – Which version of Jetpack do you have installed on the site? What is the site URL?

    was told by @kokkieh to reply here.

    please see my post https://www.ads-software.com/support/topic/jetpack-login-issues-2/

    as @rhys_visiontech says above, i don’t believe it’s an issue with any of the things you had listed. i think it has to do with other things intercepting the wp-admin call (for me it was wps hide login (see link above) and jetpacks sso login.

    multiple browsers, cookies, private mode, multiple computers, multiple websites, none make any difference. once 8.1+ was installed was no longer able to log in.

    all sites still running 8.1 worked fine with wps hide login for me. but any sites that were updated to 8.1+ broke until jetpack was removed.

    from what i understand there might also be an issue with wordfence or any other program that manages security for login.

    Plugin Support fresatomica


    @cw_mcdowwll, could you please reach out via this form so we can get more details and try to reproduce this? Thanks!

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