• Resolved thedream09



    Defaul when i choose option united states which is correct
    + Town / City
    + State / County
    + Zipcode

    But when i choose vietnam, there is only found
    + Town / City
    + Zipcode

    Here is the CORRECT of vietnam address. We need enter provine, district, so we need 2 option address bellow: (wooocommerce removed state/country, which we don’t have enough space to fill address correctly)
    + Town / City
    + State / County
    ==> Removed zipcode, because vietnam address is not needed zipcode ever.

    Hope to hear the update soon.

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  • Plugin Support Hannah S.L.


    Automattic Happiness Engineer

    Thanks for explaining! If you’d like to see this changed in core WooCommerce, I recommend adding an enhancement request on the WooCommerce Github repository:

    Alternatively, there’s a plugin for using WooCommerce in Vietnam, which adds a number of useful features:

    Thread Starter thedream09


    I tested with woo-viet plugin. The plugin only support hidden zipcode and not complete solution for address. Which is another part that i need enable “State / County” which allow enough space to enter provine and district. by now woo only allow 1 space “Town / City” when choose vietnam country, which is lack address info and my client don’t know how to input address correctly.

    So the simple update
    Get back defaul woo address option for vietnam similar united states (Only remove zipcode for vietnam country, because no need). Done.

    Plugin Support Hannah S.L.


    Automattic Happiness Engineer

    Thanks for explaining!

    By the way, we had a request a while back to add zip codes to Vietnamese addresses, which is why it’s available:

    Here’s how to add states to your own WooCommerce site:

    If you’d like to see this added to core WooCommerce, I recommend adding an enhancement request here:

    Thread Starter thedream09


    Sorry i don’t know if someone is forginer, who think it was a bug to request added zipcode. I was born and live in Vietnam, i don’t see ever Vietnam needed Zipcode in address. Even you ship from Oversea to Vietnam, we also don’t use zipcode in address.

    Thank for your link. I added your code to child-theme function, but still not appear input field “State / County” & “Apartment, suite, united (optional)” for vietnam country.

    Plugin Support Hannah S.L.


    Automattic Happiness Engineer

    Thanks for explaining!

    Those snippets are provided as-is – if you need help troubleshooting them, then I recommend working with a developer for further support. If you’re looking for a good developer, you can contact one of the services on our customizations page: https://woocommerce.com/customizations/

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