We never add bugs to our free version. You misread.
We don’t know where the bugs are. If we knew, we would never launch it like that. We’re not that type of people. To clarify, we hate bugs and issues.
We were forced by the staff of www.ads-software.com to do changes that affected our plugin. You’re welcome to submit a plugin and see how it is to deal with them, or you can research and find how many frustrated developers there are that have to deal with them. Our plugin is complex and heavy. It’s not a small plugin. Lots of files to work through.
The bugs did not exist until WordPress forced us to do changes that did not make sense, even to multiple developers that worked on our plugin. I hope that makes sense.
Some companies decide not to have a free version here anymore because of the above.
In our eyes, our plugin is fine since in our tests, it seems to work. If you find issues, you can mention them and we fix them. If you say “you should be releasing them without any bugs”. For sure, we agree, but how? Things look good to us, and we have to launch updates that fix important issues (we can’t wait as it’s important, or else customers may complain that we’re not launching enough updates (has happened too many times)), while we continue working on other issues. Look at WooCommerce’s changelogs, that will show you that no matter how small or big a company is, we all need to keep fixing bugs.
Again, not all errors in error logs are caused by our plugin. Some are unrelated. If you have a file to share with all errors you found, please do so. You may reach us on our support page where you can share that file if unable to here. We do search our own logs, every time we do updates. Not everyone gets the same errors. It depends on your environment.
Based on previous tickets you have with us, you are quick to blame us, even when it’s not our plugin’s fault. If you have any constructive feedback instead of falsely accusing us for something we did not do nor would ever think of, we’ll be here to take note of it.