• hey – like the 2021 theme a lot; BUT

    1. I added the company logo to the main page (it appears in the header and the footer as per the 2021 documentation); very straight forward.

    2. then I decided to REMOVE the logo, I go to “customise”, “site identity”, click “remove the logo”, then hit “publish”. In the editor, the logo is gone and status is “published”.

    3. when I check the website on another browsers and or device(s), the logo still is there

    what am I missing? thanks for your help and stay safe

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Moderator Mel Choyce-Dwan


    Hey @dadockta! Do you have any caching plugins activated on your site?

    Thread Starter dadockta



    tks for gettting back to me; I have Gutenberg; Yoast (free) and Google Stories installed; now how do I find out which one is cached and how to delete the cache?

    tks & stay safe

    Hey @dadockta, I can’t replicate the same issue in WordPress 5.6

    After the logo remove and publish the changes please reload the customize page if you still got the logo in the customize panel?

    Thread Starter dadockta


    hi @mukesh27 ; tks for your reply; yes logo still there (after logo removal and “publish” ), i tried it in Edge and Chrome (cleared browser cache beforehand)

    appreciate your help, stay safe

    Thread Starter dadockta


    and in the meantime, I also manually cleaned the Cache on the server that hosts my site…

    That means when you save the customize setting that time system will generate some kind of error and your changes have not saved.

    Thread Starter dadockta


    that makes sense to me ;

    –> where would I find an error log? Sorry for my basic questions… Ive used WP for the past few years and NEVER had such an issue, hence I’m not familiar with the “machine” in the background

    Moderator Mel Choyce-Dwan


    Good call @mukesh27!

    Either your host will have error logs recorded, or you could use a plugin like https://www.ads-software.com/plugins/error-log-monitor/.

    Thread Starter dadockta


    @melchoyce : tks for your reply; this plug-in is way too sophisticated for me, it asks me to manipulate wp-config, I dont even know where to find this file and also not comfortable altering it.

    is there another way ?

    Moderator Mel Choyce-Dwan


    Maybe your hosting provider has some logs you can ask about? Depending on your host and the plan you have with them, they might be able to provide some support as well.

    If there is no luck of server log the please add below CSS in Admin Panel > Appearance > Customize > Additional CSS to hide the logo from the front end

    .site-header > .site-logo {
    display: none;

    I have the same problem! I installed the error-logger as suggested by @melchoyce. After succesful installation the log stays clean, i.e. no problems recorded (with WP_DEBUG_DISPLAY’, true)

    I have also tried to add the CSS as suggested by @mukesh27, but that didn’t help.

    I delete the logo in Apperance -> customize -> Site Identity -> Remove Logo -> Publish. Customization view shows logo gone. Incognito browser on actual site shows logo still in place.

    Leave customization to dashboard, go back in customization again, and logo is back in site identity.

    Would a workaoround be to modify the database? And would anybody know where to look for this?

    Any help much appreciated!

    Moderator James Huff


    Are you using any sort of caching plugin, or do you see a “Clear/Purge Cache” button in your Dashboard or admin bar? If so, would you please try clearing the cache?

    Note: You do not need to install a caching plugin at this point just to clear a cache you don’t have. If you don’t have a caching plugin or a way to clear a server-level cache, just say so. ??

    Thanks, @macmanx. No I don’t have any chaching plugins and no clear/purge cache button.

    To add to above: I use the ‘Cover Page’ template for the page I use for static frontpage, and I use it with featured image to create the ‘full screen faded image‘ effect

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