Bug en mode admin
Depuis la mise à jour du nouveau personnalisateur, quand je veux modifier mon site avec elementor, j’ai un bug sur ma page d’accueil. Des éléments disparaissent. Cela arrive uniquement quand je suis connecté en admin. Sinon mon site fonctionne parfaitement. Je ne comprends pas pourquoi.
J’ai beau faire des restaurations avec des sauvegardes, cela ne change rien.
Merci d’avance
This topic was modified 4 months, 1 week ago by
The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]
This topic was modified 4 months, 1 week ago by
Hello @orel80210,
Thank you for reaching out,
Which elements have disappeared?
Could you please share more details about this issue so we can better understand and investigate?
Since you’ve mentioned some widgets, have you checked the widgets under Elementor > Element Manager?
In the meantime, if possible, perform a basic troubleshooting check to confirm whether the issue is related to our theme or plugins. To do this, deactivate all other plugins, then activate them one by one, checking for the issue each time. Continue this until you identify which product is causing a conflict with ours, then provide the details as explained above.
Also, kindly provide your system environment information. To do this, please go to WP Dashboard > Tools > Site Health > Info Tab and click on the “Copy site info to clipboard” button. You can paste the information here as code or upload it to https://pastebin.com or https://gist.github.com/ for an exclusive link (You can remove your email address from the content if it appears).
Screenshot: https://i.postimg.cc/fbjtkFyJ/image.png.
Please keep us posted.
Thank you,I hope it helps.
Best RegardsBonjour,
Merci de votre réponse. Mon problème doit être un conflit avec elementor. Des éléménts de mon site disparaissent lorsque j’ouvre elementor. Pour les faire revenir je doit recharger les css dans l’onglet outils de elementor. Mais lorsque j’actualise la page tout disparait à nouveau.
Capture d’écran : https://postimg.cc/qNc5Qm1W
Cela a commencé depuis la mise à jour du thème ocean wp avec le nouveau personnalisateur.
Voici les infos du site :
` wp-core
version: 6.6.2
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dotorg_communication: true wp-paths-sizes
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fonts_size: directory not found
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total_size: 1,71 Go (1839601945 bytes) wp-active-theme
name: OceanWP (oceanwp)
version: 4.0.1
author: OceanWP
author_website: https://oceanwp.org/about-oceanwp/
parent_theme: none
theme_features: core-block-patterns, widgets-block-editor, align-wide, wp-block-styles, responsive-embeds, editor-styles, editor-style, menus, post-formats, title-tag, automatic-feed-links, post-thumbnails, custom-header, custom-logo, html5, woocommerce, wc-product-gallery-zoom, wc-product-gallery-lightbox, wc-product-gallery-slider, customize-selective-refresh-widgets, widgets
theme_path: /homepages/15/d977510151/htdocs/clickandbuilds/lesmainsdorel/wp-content/themes/oceanwp
auto_update: Désactivé wp-themes-inactive (2)
OceanWP Child Theme: version: 1.0, author: OceanWP, Mises à jour auto désactivées
Twenty Twenty-Three: version: 1.5, author: L’équipe WordPress, Mises à jour auto désactivées wp-mu-plugins (2)
1&1 Product Subdomain: version: 1.1.0, author: 1&1
burst_rest_api_optimizer.php: author: (undefined), version: (undefined) wp-plugins-active (32)
BookingPress - Google Calendar Integration Addon: version: 2.8, author: Repute InfoSystems, Mises à jour auto désactivées
BookingPress - Ratings & Review Addon: version: 1.0, author: Repute InfoSystems, Mises à jour auto désactivées
BookingPress - Stripe Payment Gateway Addon: version: 2.0, author: Repute InfoSystems, Mises à jour auto désactivées
BookingPress Appointment Booking: version: 1.1.16, author: Booking & Appointment - Repute Infosystems, Mises à jour auto désactivées
BookingPress Pro - Appointment Booking plugin: version: 3.9.9, author: Repute Infosystems, Mises à jour auto désactivées
Burst Statistics - Privacy-Friendly Analytics for WordPress: version: 1.7.2, author: Burst Statistics - Stats & Analytics for WordPress, Mises à jour auto désactivées
Complianz | GDPR/CCPA Cookie Consent: version: 7.1.0, author: Really Simple Plugins, Mises à jour auto désactivées
Easy Table of Contents: version: 2.0.70, author: Magazine3, Mises à jour auto désactivées
Elementor: version: 3.24.7, author: Elementor.com, Mises à jour auto désactivées
Elementor Header & Footer Builder: version: 1.6.44, author: Brainstorm Force, Nikhil Chavan, Mises à jour auto désactivées
ElementsKit Lite: version: 3.3.1, author: Wpmet, Mises à jour auto désactivées
Essential Addons for Elementor: version: 6.0.8, author: WPDeveloper, Mises à jour auto désactivées
Essential Blocks: version: 5.0.5, author: WPDeveloper, Mises à jour auto désactivées
Exclusive Addons Elementor: version: 2.7.5, author: Exclusive Addons, Mises à jour auto désactivées
Formidable Forms: version: 6.16, author: Strategy11 Form Builder Team, Mises à jour auto désactivées
Gift Up: version: 2.26, author: Gift Up, Mises à jour auto désactivées
Happy Elementor Addons: version: 3.12.5, author: Leevio, Mises à jour auto désactivées
IONOS Performance: version: 2.0.3, author: IONOS, Mises à jour auto activées
Livemesh Addons for Elementor: version: 8.6, author: Livemesh, Mises à jour auto désactivées
MailerLite - Signup forms (official): version: 1.7.13, author: MailerLite, Mises à jour auto désactivées
Nexter Blocks: version: 4.0.3, author: POSIMYTH, Mises à jour auto désactivées
Ocean Extra: version: 2.4.1, author: OceanWP, Mises à jour auto désactivées
Premium Addons for Elementor: version: 4.10.61, author: Leap13, Mises à jour auto désactivées
Site Kit by Google: version: 1.138.0, author: Google, Mises à jour auto activées
Site Reviews: version: 7.2.2, author: Paul Ryley, Mises à jour auto désactivées
Solid Security Basic: version: 9.3.3, author: SolidWP, Mises à jour auto désactivées
The Plus Addons for Elementor: version: 6.0.1, author: POSIMYTH, Mises à jour auto désactivées
Unlimited Elements for Elementor: version: 1.5.125, author: Unlimited Elements, Mises à jour auto désactivées
UpdraftPlus - Backup/Restore: version: 1.24.6, author: TeamUpdraft, DavidAnderson, Mises à jour auto désactivées
WP Fastest Cache: version: 1.3.1, author: Emre Vona, Mises à jour auto désactivées
Yoast SEO: version: 23.7, author: Team Yoast, Mises à jour auto désactivées
Yoast SEO Premium: version: 21.5, author: Team Yoast, Mises à jour auto désactivées wp-media
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analytics_4_ads_linked_last_synced_at: 1727187634Sinon mon site fonctionne très bien. Cela arrive uniquement quand je suis connecté en mode admin. J’ai déjà désactivé les plugins 1 par 1, mais cela n’a rien changé.
Merci d’avance
Une fois les fichiers css elementor regénérés grace à l’outils, tous les élément reviennent. Mais une fois que j’actualise la page, le problème revient.
Capture d’écran https://postimg.cc/tnJMRWGk
Hello @orel80210,
Thank you for reaching out,
What was the outcome of deactivating the plugins?
Here: https://www.ads-software.com/support/topic/bug-en-mode-admin/#:~:text=perform%20a%20basic%20troubleshooting%20check%20to%20confirm%20whether%20the%20issue%20is%20related%20to%20our%20theme%20or%20plugins.%20To%20do%20this%2C%20deactivate%20all%20other%20plugins%2C%20then%20activate%20them%20one%20by%20one%2C%20checking%20for%20the%20issue%20each%20time.%20Continue%20this%20until%20you%20identify%20which%20product%20is%20causing%20a%20conflict%20with%20ours.I checked the source of your page and saw that you are using some animations: https://postimg.cc/gXD6SVFm. When there’s a JS error in the Elementor environment, it can cause other widgets not to load. You have many plugins that could be causing the JS error. Please perform the outlined steps above and let us know the result.
Hope it helps.
Best Regards
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