• Hello. First, thanks for a good theme. Though I personally rather like to donate money for a good product, instead of paying a premium charge up-front before I can try the extended functionality, I recognise a good theme when I meet one. ??

    Got some small bugs for you to fix.

    First the Thumb slider. When the Thumb slider is enabled the slider do not start over. It auto plays to the end and sits there. I would like to think that the starting all over is how it’s supposed to work.

    The thumbs in the Thumb slider does not have a cursor change showing they are clickable.

    The css thumb slider is incomplete, ul.slides – the list items doesn’t have a class. <li class="" style="float: left; display: block; width: 180px;">

    Would it be possible to make the thumbs centre instead of hanging to the left?

    The “mobile menu” that shows when you either scale the window to a narrow width (or view the site in a mobile device) have “Menu” as a title. That piece of text should be customisable, if you for instance have a site in another language. Perhaps I haven’t found that setting yet?

    The mobile menu doesn’t have a cursor clickable effect showing its interactivity.

    The standard WordPress Search Widget floats erratically on top. On Windows 7, Chrome Browser and Android Chrome Browser it stretches out as the screen dump shows. The looking glass of the search widget shows floating in the page content and the search form floats down after the page content.

    On Windows 7, Firefox, the search widget floats in the middle of the content.

    I’m not sure this is theme related, but it adversely affects the feeling of quality of your theme.

    Best regards.

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  • Thumb slider auto play, This is a limitation with the flexslider.js It’s not built to loop.
    If you need that I suggest using a slider plugin.

    Cursor change can be done with a little css.. I’ll add in the next version:

    #thumbnails.flexslider li {
    cursor: pointer;

    The reason for the empty class is because the flex slider adds and removes the class: “flex-active-slide” so if the thumb it not the active then it has an empty class.

    You can’t center the thumbs, it’s a limitation with the flex slider.

    The “menu” is part of the .pot language file so if you are using a different language it is assumed you would have a translation of the theme.

    You can add css to make the cursor change but seems a bit much considering mobile devices usually don’t have a cursor. Either way here is the css:

    .nav-trigger-case {
    cursor: pointer;

    The issue with the search is interesting. Can you confirm it’s doing this on the demo site?

    Thanks for taking the time to report all this.
    Kadence Themes

    Thread Starter Argentum


    Concerning the Search, I forgot to state that I used a css snippet I found in one of the support threads here, to make the sidebar appear on the left side.

    #content .main {float:right;}

    When the content floats to the right, the search widget must have a float or clear problem. It’s not a big problem, but if you will find a quick simple fix for it, it would be handy.

    Thanks for answering.

    I have started to translate the theme to Swedish and will send the PO files to you when I’ve established contact through your contact page.

    Best regards

    Ok that makes sense about the search then, what you want to use to make the sidebar on the left is this css:

    @media (min-width: 992px) {
    body .main {float:right;}

    Swedish translation would be great ??

    Kadence Themes

    Thread Starter Argentum


    Yes, that fix did it. Thanks!

    A question about the PO-files. Are they for the free version or do they contain strings for the premium version as well?

    The defualt.pot file in the free theme is for the free theme, there isn’t strings for premium in the free theme.

    Kadence Themes

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