Hello @hasse2016
I noticed a bug that I was able to trace back to the 4.8.1 update specifically. All form submissions were being collected successfully by Flamingo right up until I applied the update on 27th July. Then, all of a sudden, form submissions stopped being collected.
I did a little digging and noticed that the Chrome error console was reporting the following issue after loading a page with a CF7 form:
Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 ()
After trying to submit a form, an additional 404 error occurs on the following URL —
Both these URLs are mangled. They should take the following form (note the ‘/v1/’ where the slash was missing before —
I managed to trace the issue back to CloudFlare. To fix it I switched off RocketLoader then purged the following file from the cache (under ‘Caching’ –> ‘Purge Individual Files’):
Finally, I also then cleared the site page cache and reloaded the page. Voilà!
Hope this helps you get to the bottom of the issue ??