I’m sorry if I can’t explain it clearly, I’m not a WP plugin expert and english is not my main language. Here’s what I see:
Everything (WP, Jetpack and Better WP Minify) is up to date.
I deleted all caches (from WP Super Cache and Better WP Minify). The former one (Better WP Minify) automatically detects .JS and .CSS files as you navigate the website pages and, while I see the jetpack.css file you mentioned, I also see the subscriptions.css one (and, too bad, w3c Validator sees it too). ??
It only appears if I drag the “subscriptions (Jetpack): subscribe to blog” (I translated it from italian, I think it sounds more or less like that) widget to the widget (secondary) area. If I disable it then there’s only jetpack.css file and everything is ok.
If I browse Jetpack directory structure I see that a subcriptions.css file do exists in:
“plugins/jetpack/modules/subscriptions” and it’s registered in line 597 of subcripitions.php (that is located one dir level above):
// Enqueue the form’s CSS
wp_register_style( ‘jetpack-subscriptions’, plugins_url( ‘subscriptions/subscriptions.css’, __FILE__ ) );
wp_enqueue_style( ‘jetpack-subscriptions’ );
So it seems there’s still a sort of link between files, and I think that is the problem.
Not being good in understanding WP processes I’ve no idea if this is invoked only in particular cases that are somehow triggered by Better WP Minify.
If you want to check it a bit better you can see the page (in italian language) at:
I’ve left Better WP Minify on and the subscription widget as last one in the right column of the index page.
Many thanks for your help, have a nice day.