Thanks for your answer, Dylan.
This morning, I deactivated one by one all the other plugins to see if there was an interference between HD Quiz and them. But the bug was still here.
So, I tried to put “” around the text (“2 + 1”), but nothing changed.
I also tried to use the “old” version of function.php (you developed a special version here: but nothing changed.
I also tested with + – / % $ = – ( ) & # @, all the signs appeared in the comment, except the +.
The quiz is here:
Click directly on “VOIR LES REPONSES” to get 0/10, because the text with “+” is for people who failed the quiz.
In the other quizzes, I did not use the “+” sign.
I also looked inside the source code of the web page, but the “+” was not here ??
Finally, I continued my investigations.
I looked inside wp_termmeta. The + sign was not inside (but I saw it in the admin section of HD Quiz).
I modified that (the + were not here when I opened it):
{s:4:”name”;s:14:”quiz_fail_text”;s:4:”type”;s:6:”editor”;s:8:”required”;s:0:””;s:5:”value”;s:76:”Ben oui, 2 + 1 c’est facile, mais 128 + 32 + 8 + 4 + 1, c’est moins dr?le…”;s:3:”tab”;s:7:”results”;}
But I know that kind of file… “s:76:” is the number of characters in the following text.
So, when I did not modify “s”, I saw all the questions of the quiz (despite their limitation to 10). So, I replaced 76 by 81. This time, 10 questions were displayed but the + sign did not appear ! It did not disappeared from the wp_termmeta when I recorded it (I see it again in the file), but I can’t see it on the web page.
NEW : This time, after modifying wp_termmeta, I see the “+” inside wp_termmeta but I can’t see it in the admin section of HD Quiz ! And when I add it again in the admin section, it disappears from wp_termmeta and from the result page of the quiz ! It’s a David Copperfield trick ! Where is the + ?
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