• Is it possible that there is a mismatch of the array index in the crop_from_position function in wpthumb.php:

    if ( $position[0] == 'bottom' )
    	$crop['y'] = absint( $size['height'] - $height );
    else if ( $position[1] == 'center' )
    	$crop['y'] = intval( absint( $size['height'] - $height ) / 2 );
    if ( $position[1] == 'right' )1
    	$crop['x'] = absint( $size['width'] - $width );
    else if ( $position[0] == 'center' )
    	$crop['x'] = intval( absint( $size['width'] - $width ) / 2 );

    Changing in these lines the array indices as seen below lead me to a correct visualisation of the images

    if ( $position[1] == 'bottom' ) // changed index 0 to 1
    	$crop['y'] = absint( $size['height'] - $height );
    else if ( $position[1] == 'center' )
    	$crop['y'] = intval( absint( $size['height'] - $height ) / 2 );
    if ( $position[0] == 'right' ) // hanged index 1 to 0
    	$crop['x'] = absint( $size['width'] - $width );
    else if ( $position[0] == 'center' )
    	$crop['x'] = intval( absint( $size['width'] - $width ) / 2 );


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