• SITUATION: We have a page called “Sitemap” which has one section created by Otter Blocks. In the section we have two 50 / 50 columns. The left column lists all the site pages using the plugin shortcode (generated in the plugin admin settings area). The right block contains all the site posts, again, using the plugin shortcode as generated in the WP Admin.

    ACTUAL BEHAVIOR: When no posts exist in the WP installation, the plugin creates a critical error on the page where the shortcodes are listed. The “Sitemap” page is not accessible from either the front end or back end.

    EXPECTED BEHAVIOR: When no posts exist in the WP installation the plugin should display nothing, display “No posts present,” or display some other helpful text to the user.


    • WordPress 6.7.2
    • PHP 8.0
    • Apache/2.4.63 (cPanel)
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