• We have located a bug in the plugin.
    If you have a topic you wright a lot about, like we do, running a news related site, there might be some posts that are in the schedule related to that same theme.
    In the backend, the posts are available for selection, but they are not available for the public yet, at least for the rest of the WP site and plugins, but this plugin shows the unpublished post before it’s being published.
    Is it possible having the script hiding the unpublished post or at least make that unpublished post non-selectable?


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  • AlbomAdventures


    Any solution?

    Thread Starter skoen


    I did manually go in and modified this string in backend-ajax.inc.php to also not show future posts.

    $posts = $wpdb->get_results( "SELECT ID, post_title, post_status, post_date, post_type FROM $wpdb->posts WHERE post_type IN ($what) AND post_status NOT IN ( 'revision', 'trash', 'future' ) AND ($search) ORDER BY post_date_gmt DESC LIMIT 50" );

    But that makes it impossible to select the scheduled posts.

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