the problem is not only the KB Size, also if your PHP ini have not to much memory for the process the automatic resize engine in wordpress create the exception.
i changed one line in the source to limit the heigh and width for the upload in simple local avatars.
go in the simple-local-avatar.php
navigate to method: public function edit_user_profile_update( $user_id ) {..
you find at the end the line:
update_user_meta( $user_id, 'simple_local_avatar', array( 'full' => $avatar['url'] ) ); // save user information (overwriting old)
override this line with
list( $width, $height, $imagetype, $hwstring, $mime, $rgb_r_cmyk, $bit ) = getimagesize( $avatar['url'] );
$img_size = get_headers( $avatar['url'],1);
if(($width * $height > 40000) or (round($img_size["Content-Length"]/1000)>200)) {
echo 'Errormessage.......';
else {
update_user_meta( $user_id, 'simple_local_avatar', array( 'full' => $avatar['url'] ) ); // save user information (overwriting old)
i am not a php developer but i fixed this and it works great ??