I was also having this issue for a bit last night. I was digging through all of your code and I made a style guide with all of the component options you parsed the content/html for. It seemed to not like instagram embeds (the actual embed code copied from instagram.com) and HTML5 video tags. The HTML5 audio tags worked fine, as does just a plain ‘ol youtube or instagram url. When placing just the URL of a youtube video, similar to how WordPress handles embeds. However, it made two entries in the article.json file. One is created using the role of “body” and another below it has the role of “embedwebvideo” with the URL field set to NULL. In my case, that was causing most of the issues. I could open up the article.json file and make the URL change and then I could open up the article in NewsPreview.app.
"role": "body",
"text": "YouTube",
"format": "markdown",
"textStyle": "default-body",
"layout": "body-layout"
}, {
"role": "embedwebvideo",
"aspectRatio": 1.777,
"URL": ""
Which throws this error in News Preview:
Error: "URL" was <null> should be valid URL with one of ["http","https"] scheme(s)
document -> components -> [14] -> URL
Error: no components defined for role=embedwebvideo
document -> components -> [14]
I couldn’t get them to go away either. Even after deleting the code, the data remained in the database and wasn’t ‘cleaned’ it seems. I deactivated, deleted plugin, then reinstalled. I did have some issues doing that as well, but there was no issues when using the latest git build.
On a side note, thank you all for this plugin. With hardly any valuable documents at dev.Apple, this has made taking the plunge into ANF a little bit easier to take.
One last question. Is there a method for passing things to the constructor through the_content or using custom fields? For example, using parallax, or setting up animations, or other components?