If someone has same issue and want temporary fix without hardcoding then, put this code in your theme functions.php
remove_filter( 'get_avatar' , 'rocket_lazyload_images', PHP_INT_MAX );
remove_filter( 'the_content' , 'rocket_lazyload_images', PHP_INT_MAX );
remove_filter( 'widget_text' , 'rocket_lazyload_images', PHP_INT_MAX );
remove_filter( 'get_image_tag' , 'rocket_lazyload_images', PHP_INT_MAX );
remove_filter( 'post_thumbnail_html', 'rocket_lazyload_images', PHP_INT_MAX );
function rocket_lazyload_images_override( $html ) {
// Don't LazyLoad if the thumbnail is in admin, a feed, REST API or a post preview.
if ( ! rocket_lazyload_get_option( 'images' ) || is_admin() || is_feed() || is_preview() || ( defined( 'REST_REQUEST' ) && REST_REQUEST ) || empty( $html ) || ( defined( 'DONOTLAZYLOAD' ) && DONOTLAZYLOAD ) || wp_script_is( 'twentytwenty-twentytwenty', 'enqueued' ) ) {
return $html;
// You can stop the LalyLoad process with a hook.
if ( ! apply_filters( 'do_rocket_lazyload', true ) ) {
return $html;
return preg_replace_callback( '#<img([^>]*) src=("(?:[^"]+)"|\'(?:[^\']+)\'|(?:[^ >]+))([^>]*)>#', 'rocket_lazyload_replace_callback_fix', $html );
add_filter( 'get_avatar' , 'rocket_lazyload_images_override', PHP_INT_MAX );
add_filter( 'the_content' , 'rocket_lazyload_images_override', PHP_INT_MAX );
add_filter( 'widget_text' , 'rocket_lazyload_images_override', PHP_INT_MAX );
add_filter( 'get_image_tag' , 'rocket_lazyload_images_override', PHP_INT_MAX );
add_filter( 'post_thumbnail_html', 'rocket_lazyload_images_override', PHP_INT_MAX );
* Used to check if we have to LazyLoad this or not
* @since 1.1 Don't apply LazyLoad on images from WP Retina x2
* @since 1.0.1
* @param string $matches a string matching the pattern to find images in HTML code.
* @return string Updated string with lazyload data
function rocket_lazyload_replace_callback_fix( $matches ) {
if ( function_exists( 'wr2x_picture_rewrite' ) ) {
if ( wr2x_get_retina( trailingslashit( ABSPATH ) . wr2x_get_pathinfo_from_image_src( trim( $matches[2], '"' ) ) ) ) {
return $matches[0];
$excluded_attributes = apply_filters( 'rocket_lazyload_excluded_attributes', array(
) );
$excluded_src = apply_filters( 'rocket_lazyload_excluded_src', array(
) );
if ( rocket_is_excluded_lazyload( $matches[1] . $matches[3], $excluded_attributes ) || rocket_is_excluded_lazyload( $matches[2], $excluded_src ) ) {
return $matches[0];
* Filter the LazyLoad placeholder on src attribute
* @since 1.1
* @param string $placeholder Placeholder that will be printed.
$placeholder = apply_filters( 'rocket_lazyload_placeholder', "" );
$img = sprintf( '<img%1$s src=%4$s data-lazy-src=%2$s%3$s>', $matches[1], $matches[2], $matches[3], $placeholder );
$img_noscript = sprintf( '<noscript><img%1$s src=%2$s%3$s></noscript>', $matches[1], $matches[2], $matches[3] );
* Filter the LazyLoad HTML output
* @since 1.0.2
* @param array $img Output that will be printed
$img = apply_filters( 'rocket_lazyload_html', $img, true );
return $img . $img_noscript;