• Resolved Davide


    The plugin works fine under Firefox 18.0.1, Chrome 24.0.1312.56 and Safari 5.1.7 but generates 4 boxes below the title but above the body of the calculator panel under IE 10.0.9200.16439.

    The boxes appear to be partial visualisations of the widget calculator settings.

    The boxes existance doesn’t seem to be affected by changing any of the widget settings.


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  • Thread Starter Davide


    This issue is independent of the Windows version and WordPress template as I have tested it on the current version of Win 7 x32 and x64 and under two different themes – Striking and Responsive

    Thread Starter Davide


    Our IT guys have now tested this with IE 8 and IE 9 and the problem exists in these IE versiona also. To see the problem check either our french mortgage or Italian mortgage websites with an IE browser.

    Thread Starter Davide


    The is one further small issue which shows up when the cursor hovers over the graph thatis generated on calculation. Though for $ amounts the rendition is correct, for EUR instead of producing the Euro symbol € the code produces &euro. A simillar thing happens if the currency is set to GBP.

    However, despite the small comments above in this posting, this plugin is a really good addition to any mortgage website and we are going to use it to replace our previous calculator.

    Thread Starter Davide


    I’ve just recieved this fix from Arseniy and it seems to work perfectly, no longer displaying the 4 boxes under IE 10

    “add the following line to the bottom of the widget-form.css and widget-form-small.css files.
    #MLCalcForm MAP {display:none}”

    This works for both templates – each site uses a different template

    Many thanks for a great mortgage calculator, David

    Thread Starter Davide



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