@titcrea and @john,
it is clear to me. There is a possibility/workaround to work with it.
There are more priorities to other cases, but for this will be also, at time, a solution.
John’s response
And I still did not hear an answer from you on which combination of WP and -X it was working under.
@titcrea, these are your statements
I have a bug with all my galerie in wordpress 4.1.1 and lastest qtranslate X,
all work fine but with the last update of your plugin the galery editing bug
my client use qtranlateX since the beginning and he never have this probleme only in last update or perhaps one before, he update this gallery every month so he work before
i have only see this in this last version but i don’t know if i come of wordpress update or qtranlateX update
i can’t send you a specific version, i just say 2 month ago the bug is not here
Do you not check what happenes after updates for your customers?
So, I tested today previous versions – version 3.2.2, version 3.2 and version 3.0 (last date 14-02-2015)
All of them were not working….
But there is a possibility/workaround to work with it.
i’m webdesigner and i can’t say this to my client
But it would help them, right?