• I’m using SlideAnything along with Moesia Free Theme.

    I’ve put the code for the slider inside a div#slider at the header.php file. And it worked fine!


    But when I published anything on a page using PageBuilder, the content from the page overwrites the slide content, and it is shown inside the Slider and also where it was supposed to. This is so strange…

    Any guess on why the content might get called inside the slider? Maybe some js that is used also by pagebuilder?

    Here’s a screenshot: https://prnt.sc/bofj92

    If anyone have any idea about this issue, let me know.

    Thanks for the theme!

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  • Hi Manoel! I checked your site and it looks awesome now! How did you resolve the issue? Please let me know as i am struggling to make a slider for my site as well. Thank you so much!

    Thread Starter manevilhena


    Hi kgeepogi88

    Sorry for the delay

    I had to hardcode the slider tag inside the homepage file.

    Did you manage to do it ? How?


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