• RB


    WordPress lightboxes are now disabled when the plugin is activated.

    For examples:
    – If I’m on the Plugins page in WP Admin and click on “View details” for a plugin, the TB_overlayBG displays but the lightbox doesn’t display.
    – If I’m on the Updates Dashboard and checkmark an update to process, the TB_overlayBG displays and I’m unable to select an option to process the update.

    These issues were resolved by deactivating the “WassUp Real Time Analytics” plugin. Could you please review this issue? Thanks.

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  • Same issue for me. I tried to deactivate the plugin, and all works properlly.

    The issue is in wp-content/plugins/wassup/js/thickbox/thickbox.css
    Line 12: display is set to none.

    Changing this fixes the TB_overlayBG issue but there are still formatting issues introduced by the css file on the overlays.

    The issue appears to be in /wp-content/plugins/wassup/lib/wassup.class.php line 2537 where the variable $menuarg is force set. This is forcing the wassup plugin to load the ‘custom thickbox’ styles regardless of which admin page is loaded.

    I commented out line 2537

    And the problem was resolved.

    Of course, this will be overwritten if the plugin is reinstalled or updated and the problem not resolved.

    yes thank you that fixed it ,,,,

    Thread Starter RB


    Thanks for the info, Charly.

    Thanks for the fix!

    Thanks for the info. I had the same problem and now I’ve fixed following the tip of CharlyLeetham. Hope developer will fix it in the next revision

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