Very Buggy–Taxes won’t work, Lightshow doesn’t work, Shipping doesn’t work, buggy calculations (huge red flag), Why was this rated so highly? I think someone is cheating the system a little bit to sell some extensions…(WordPress, check this out). The CSS is shit with an approved theme. Absolutely horrendous. Not much good to say, sorry. If I could, this would get 0 stars.
Sorry, but why are you talking like this? Taxes is working good, shipping too, what calculation is buggy? What is wrong with CSS? Please provide us with constructive criticism and we will do all the best to fix problems if they really exist.Regards,
Alexey.Sorry, I said those things because they’re true. Don’t get all whiny because someone doesn’t praise your half-assed work. I’m trying to help you fix it, and I’ve already sent you all this information. The public deserves to know how difficult a plugin is to use and any troubles experienced developers are having with your software.
Just so you know, your Commercial License installation instructions advised me to install “1 Flash Gallery.” This plugin DOES NOT EXIST anymore. This to me, sums up the entire experience I’ve had with “Ready!.”
I’m only using your software. A supported theme by you, most up to date WP core, and your plugin. Maybe you should try this to test for bugs? Maybe try to test all the modern browsers, too. I spent $80 on your software today, and so far its not worth it if it were free.
Now that you have my back-story, these are the problems again:
The Shipping module doesn’t work as advertised. The Shipping calculations (discounts for certain dollar amounts) does not work. On the view cart page, when you select your shipping it takes whatever number you put in “19.99”, multiplies by 2, and then subtracts from the original shipping rate (so in my case 49.99 – (19.99*2) ). But when you go to the final confirm page, it changes the shipping rate to what you actually put (“19.99”). It also makes the user select one of the options. This is crazy, because If there are 5 options, and the user can only make 1 valid choice, then why display 4 invalid options?! Just select the one that meets the conditions.
I had to hack your plugin and “supported theme” to actually get a decent wrapper around anything (so that there was some sort of padding on the page), which is not a big deal unless I paid $40 for a “supported theme.” There are validation errors/issues on every form. I’ve already sent you all these details, but the public deserves to know the condition this plugin is in so they don’t go spending upwards of $100 on software that is not even past an alpha phase IMO.
There are also ads for your plugin right in the middle of my content area––for a paid plugin with no hooks to disable them.
I agree with you in 100% – public deserves to know the condition this plugin. And I’m not going whiny – I just can’t get how our solution work for such big number of users, more then 1 year, and now you see such a lot of bugs, I just trying to understand – where we were incorrect in our developments.Ok, here is site with example:
1. https://default.readyshoppingcart.com/product/sample-prodcut-10/ – product with variations
2. On checkout I created 4 shipping methods:
– Flat rate 10 to all countires
– Flat rate 25 to USA – Alabama
– Flat rate 30 – if order price is more thne 40 – decrease shipping to 12
– Flat rate 35 – if order price is more then 50 – shipping is free
3. Also I created next taxes:
– Tax for all countries – 18%
– Tax for Canada – Ontario – 12%
During this setup I found only one bug – connected with decreasing shipping if sub-total price is more then some value – it decreased twice, and it was fixed, fix will be included in next release. Please check it and provide me with errors in it’s work.About validation – I also already answered to you: If you create shipping for some certain country and remove country from user fields on checkout – how system will know that user country is valid? Seriously – if you have sugestions – this will be great, but I can’t found solution how to system will know user shipping (billing or registration) country without country input field.
About functionality that should show only available shipping options and hide unavailable:
1. Please provide me with link to advertice, or message from this advertice, were written that we have such feature. Really – this can be mistake, and I want to know – where it is placed, maybe we need to correct it as fast as we ca. I just can’t remember such advertice.
2. I told you that this is on development stage for now.Also:
” I think someone is cheating the system a little bit to sell some extensions…” – We have support system on wordpress site and on our site, you write your message with your issues – and our team is already working on it, we try to monitor and correct all our issues, and make our product better from one version to other. I think users like when their product become better and better – that’s why we have such ratings. Also, check on this https://www.ads-software.com/support/view/plugin-reviews/ready-ecommerce?filter=1 – you was first our user, who send negative rating – and answered to our comments about this negatives. I think cheating is somwhere here. Users, who like our plugin, just set it positive rating. Someone found bugs, send message to our support – we fix it – and all happy, and they set positive rating too. I just trying to understand – where we cheat system.Regards,
We released new version,, with option for you:
“Use only one country in shop” – check documentation about it here https://docs.readyshoppingcart.com/general/
And fix for decrese functionality of flat rate shipping. Please check.Also, please answer on my last comment here as we need to know – if we are still “Absolutely horrendous” for your opinion or problem was in correct setup for your store.
If you have more problems with our product – please provide us with them and we will fix them all for you and for all our other users. Also, please answer on my last responces, as you can’t just say that our product is fully broken because you found 2 bugs that was already fixed, didn’t make all setup of your store (my second comment), blame us in cheating on wordpress site – and then when all fixed, when our development team is working on your development request (as we always try to improve our product for our users) – just stop talking as this is not fair.
I write this to you also because as you are one of people, who found a bugs in our plugin and send it to our team – this is really important for us, as many of people who rated us with lowest mark https://www.ads-software.com/support/view/plugin-reviews/ready-ecommerce?filter=1 didn’t answer at all about their problems.Regards,
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