In file
Line 710 better be:
'post_status' => 'inherit',
(following code will upload all related attachments to the new site however it’s NOT compatible with Attachments Plugin,and also has lots of bugs. So the following code is not recommended)
foreach ($post_children as $child_id => $child_post) { $attach_id = $child_id; if($attach_id != 0) $this->send_media($child_post->guid, $post_id, $post_thumbnail_id, $attach_id); }
And same file Line 716 -> Line 789 has a logic bug! what if the image is just an external link? and what if image is not added by Add Media then class attribute does not generate?
Actually Line 716 -> Line 789 can be removed if you DO NOT need upload files to new site.
Meanwhile, you should also remove line 330 in fileclasses/apicontroller.php
Then links(images) will become external links refered to the old site’s media library.
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