• This plugin is totally confusing designed. 80% of the newly registered are overwhelmed with the profile creation. the users fill in their user profile and then press “save” on the private album. but the button for saving the profile is at the top under the description of person?!
    all people always pressing the wrong button and are frustrated.
    the button for saving the profile should placed under the additional information and not about it!

    next problem. some user press at first registration the button “edit your profile” and dont follow the first 4 reg-steps. if someone is pressing the “edit your profile” button the user cant finish his registration! every bad BUG!

    Furthermore, the buttons of your own profile should have a different color than the other buttons.

    incoming message display will not be refreshed without having to refresh the page.

    For what is the contact request? what can the other user do with the contact request?
    we get every hour a mail from users and they asking “contact request and then?” Yes…im asking myself also….is this button for nothing or is this feature not working right on my site?

    how does anyone know if the other user have private galery?

    Another problem is that users are not shown as online when they are not in the dating area.

    the design has to be completely overhauled in any case and makes user frustrating.
    really – no choke!!!, all users are already completely frustrated with the user profiling and leave my side after 5 min!

    (i have recontre pro kit)

    • This topic was modified 7 years, 2 months ago by limone111.
    • This topic was modified 7 years, 2 months ago by limone111.
    • This topic was modified 7 years, 2 months ago by limone111.
    • This topic was modified 7 years, 2 months ago by limone111.
Viewing 5 replies - 1 through 5 (of 5 total)
  • Plugin Author Jacques Malgrange



    the users fill in their user profile and then press “save” on the private album. but the button for saving the profile is at the top under the description of person?!

    You’re right, it’s badly designed. Private galleries have been added recently. I fix that for the next version.

    user press at first registration the button “edit your profile” and dont follow the first 4 reg-steps

    You cannot do that. As long as the 4 steps are not completed, access to the rest is blocked.

    If you use the “fast registration” option, there are no 4 steps.

    Furthermore, the buttons of your own profile should have a different color than the other buttons.

    It’s your choice, not necessarily everyone’s choice. This plugin is used for a wide variety of dating site: friends, pets, thematic meeting, gays, swingers…

    You should edit the menu template (rencontre_menu.php) and customize the code or just add a background-color to the button in CSS (#rencMenuEdit).

    incoming message display will not be refreshed without having to refresh the page.

    That is true. This is the third time you say it. It should not change immediately to avoid constraints on the server. Some customers want the plugin to stay light.

    For what is the contact request?

    This is to tell a member that you want to get in touch. The member receives an email (unlike smile). He get the list of people who asked for a contact by clicking on “Contact requests” in the sidebar.

    Some users want this feature. I will add an option to hide this button.

    how does anyone know if the other user have private galery?

    Private means Private. If you are not selected as having access, you know nothing.

    users are not shown as online when they are not in the dating area.

    To my knowledge, it only lasts 3 minutes after departure if the user leaves without disconnecting. I did not find any other light solution.
    If the user logs out normally (Logout button), it’s immediate.

    the design has to be completely overhauled

    The design will be reviewed this year with the use of a CSS framework.
    It will not be able to satisfy everyone, it is not possible (see above).

    This plugin has template since version 2 to allow users to adapt to their taste. Why not look on this side?


    Thread Starter limone111



    all two register options have big bug!

    1. normal register (step 1-4)

    for example…if you press the red button “edit your profil” blue during the 4 steps, then it hang up the userprofile at step 4 and you’re in an endless loop. but some users just see a red button and press this button because they dont read the 4 steps. after you press this button you cannot end your registration. test it!

    solutioon: simply just hide this menu, no one need it at the first steps!

    2.quickregister has also a bug!
    if you changeing to rapid register, the the admin dont receive any emails if a new user has registered!

    “It’s your choice, not necessarily everyone’s choice. This plugin is used for a wide variety of dating site: friends, pets, thematic meeting, gays, swingers…”

    I wonder how can dating sites work if only two sexes are available??? (like mine)
    swingersites need, man, woman, couple, transgender and so on…???
    you only have in the plugin 2 choices (man or woman). sure i can overwrite man or woman with an other word, but can i add some other gender? (like cpl,transgender,…)

    “To my knowledge, it only lasts 3 minutes after departure if the user leaves without disconnecting. I did not find any other light solution.
    If the user logs out normally (Logout button), it’s immediate.”

    no the big problem i find out after many hours…
    the problem starts at the account creation. For example, if a member searches only women, no men will be shown under online now. under online now all users should be displayed, because they are also online.
    in my case, members of the same sex would also like to communicate with each other sometimes.

    please fix it very very fast, im loosing really a lot of people, because the give up with the complicated registration or existing bugs!

    i also have a new question: is it possible to reduce the 100 signs in the members description. it seems 100 signs in the description istto much for some users.

    I have a premium module and there should at least the registration work properly!

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 2 months ago by limone111.
    Plugin Author Jacques Malgrange



    1. normal register (step 1-4)

    Sorry but that works fine. Tested on 3 different sites. You probably have a Javascript issue on your site.

    2.quickregister has also a bug!

    This is not a bug, it’s a developper choice. This procedure is open to a lot of false registration. A client recieve more than 100 new registrant every days with this fast method.

    I wonder how can dating sites work if only two sexes are available???

    Take a look in the “Rencontre/Custom” tab in Dashboard…

    in my case, members of the same sex would also like to communicate with each other sometimes.

    “Rencontre/Custom” tab in Dashboard…

    no the big problem i find out after many hours…

    I have no feedback from this type of problem. What is the URL of your super site ? You accuse Rencontre (No doubt because I take the time to answer you) but I’m sure the mistake comes from elsewhere.

    please fix it very very fast, im loosing really a lot of people

    If you think that you will have a custom dating site, without any coding knowledge, for just 35 €, you are very wrong. This is stated in the FAQ.


    Thread Starter limone111



    i turned off my register step 1-4
    i do nothing with javascript or something else. i also installed for testing on a second account and same problem.

    chosse register step 1-4
    the follow the steps for example: 1-3 and the press at step 4 “edit account” (dont finish setp 1-4) write a statustext and description and save it. the profil not saved and it jumps to step 4, but you cannot finsish step 4 now. endless loop and registrant goes away.

    the rapidregister works “solala” fine, but you are getting no emails when a user has registered. if i change to the other registration (1-4) then im getting emails again. but not with rapidregister. no emails!

    “I wonder how can dating sites work if only two sexes are available???

    Take a look in the “Rencontre/Custom” tab in Dashboard…”

    yes and where i can more genders? i dont see anything i only can change sex values but not add values (ts, cpl,…)??? or please xplain me if im wrong.thx

    “If you think that you will have a custom dating site, without any coding knowledge, for just 35 €, you are very wrong. This is stated in the FAQ.”

    i know it is not much money for a plugin, but if the first step with registering and profilecreation not working…then its really bad!

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 2 months ago by limone111.
    • This reply was modified 7 years, 2 months ago by limone111.
    • This reply was modified 7 years, 2 months ago by limone111.
    • This reply was modified 7 years, 2 months ago by limone111.
    • This reply was modified 7 years, 2 months ago by limone111.
    • This reply was modified 7 years, 2 months ago by limone111.
    • This reply was modified 7 years, 2 months ago by limone111.
    Moderator Jan Dembowski


    Forum Moderator and Brute Squad

    (i have recontre pro kit)

    For pro or commercial product support please contact the author directly on their site.

    As the author is aware, commercial products are not supported in these forums. As you are their customer I am sure they will have no problem supporting you there.

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