• Line 97

    $search .= ” AND ({$wpdb->postmeta}.meta_key = ‘”.$query->get(‘meta_key’).”‘ AND wp_postmeta.meta_value = ‘”.$query->get(‘meta_value’).”‘) — ‘”;

    Should Be:
    $search .= ” AND ({$wpdb->postmeta}.meta_key = ‘”.$query->get(‘meta_key’).”‘ AND {$wpdb->postmeta}.meta_value = ‘”.$query->get(‘meta_value’).”‘) — ‘”;


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  • Thread Starter pjf02536


    Found it because I have a custpm prefix on my tables



    Testing this now, as I’ve cleared 100MB of error logs from this joke in the past few days.

    Any fix coming from the developer on this one??

    Thread Starter pjf02536


    No I just edited the file, and things cleared up.
    I wonder if there are any others in there though (logs so far are not reporting any)



    Well, I eliminated the problem on one of my domains, (thank you SO much for the fix). I’ve got another domain that I need to fix this bug for, but other than that, I’d love to see an actual release fix from the developer so I am not bothered to do this on every site I run FWP on (which is dozens, mind you). I always use custom prefixes on db tables to enhance security, and this is the first time that’s shot me in my foot.

    WOW, thatnks pjf02536 for that fix. That error was driving me crazy and I could not figure out how to take care of it.

    Small and simple fix, so I’m very grateful, but yes, I agree with Jerome. It would be nice to see a new release from the developer with the fix!

    You could fix this in the codebase:
    https://github.com/radgeek/feedwordpress/blob/master/syndicationdataqueries.class.php if the project allows for it.

    Thanks pjf02536, that seems to have fixed the problem!

    Thanks! It was extremly useful…

    Thread Starter pjf02536


    I made a codebase fix and submitted for author pull/aproval.

    Hopefully this will forever end this particular issue (assuming the author does anything)


    Now to find and revert what they did with the correct “Source Permalink” for previewing feed articles. We curate our feed and since this went away it’s a real hassle.

    Excellent! Well spotted! I’ve fixed this manually on three websites which were getting the unusual error

    Unknown column ‘wp_postmeta.meta_value’ in ‘where clause’

    because I had custom prefixes…

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