Build your own Vendor Registration form
Hello WC-Marketplace users,
Great news for the admin, now you can build your own vendor registration form based on your preference, along with the default WooCommerce Registration form.
Please feel free, if there is any query regarding this feature.
Hi Hagai,
Can you please help me to understand what do you mean by the default fields so that I can pitch the best solution?
RimpaHi Rimpa (@dualcube)
I think the main problem I face here is that I do not understand what is the purpose of the registration form currently only just to approve or decline vendor registration based on the info they fill – I need to use this info to show it for the visitors of the site.
In my case for example I need the vendor to fill the registration form with his store location (city, street) first and last names etc.. and if I create a custom fields using the current registation form that iformation is not stored in the default account fields but just sit in the Users > Vendor Application > ExampleUserName > View.
I need in my marketplace to display a list of vendors with the logo and information filled by the vendors when they are registered.Explanation of default account fields from my point of view:
When an account is created you can see his/her account details if you go to
DOMAIN.COM/WP-ADMIN/ > Users > All Users > (find the relevant vendor and click on the name) ExampleUserName – the details in this page for me are the default fields (like first-name, last-name, phone-number, Address 1, Postcode, Country etc..).I hope it is clear.
HagaiHi Hagai,
Apology but your requirement is not clear to me. Can you please help me to understand, what you want to know by the “default fields”?
The big pic is to display shops with thier products. The resault of a website visitor search should be a list of shops including logos, shop name, location, etc.. and the visitor can click on the vendor to see more products he sells.
The requirement is to use the vendor registration information with the fields already existing in the “EIDT USER” section in the wp-admin which I call “default fields”.
I just want to use the information stored on “EIDT USER” section after a vendor is registering to the marketplace but currently “Vendor Registration form” do not stores info like vendor first name in the actual account info.
Currently every vendor forced to fill his details twice (while registering and also after the account was created in the “EIDT USER” section) if I will create a custom fields usign the current ability of the “Vendor Registration form” you created in dualcube.Thanks Rimpa ??
Hi Hagai,
Firstly, an apology. Due to some connectivity issue, I was not able to see your last two messages, even my reply too was not visible and hence the same message went twice.
Anyways, thanks for the explanation. Let me clear the concept behind the registration form.
Initially, the WooCommerce registration process was followed by the WC-Marketplace in the case of any kind of users. But many WC-Marketplace users as well as we thought that there should be some criteria (as per the admin of the site) upon which the vendor will be accepted or rejected by the admin as just the emails and password was not enough (as per the previous registration process). Hence, we introduced this custom registration process.
RimpaHello Rimpa
As much as I understand Hagai means that the info from those “registration fields” is no going anywhere …. !!! that’s what I expirience !!!
the content of the fields is not being sent by mail and is not presented in the user account.I wonder if it happans just to me or is it a bug for everybody.
Hi Tzvook,
The information filled by the vendors on the registration form are stored in the Vendor Application sub-tab (wp-admin -> Users -> Vendor Application) for the admin, so that admin can review them and based on the information the admin can approve /reject the vendor. This information is not meant to be sent via email nor they will be reflected on the user’s account. This information is only for the admin for approval or rejection.
Hagai wanted a system where all the information filled in the registration form by the vendor will be linked with the vendor details (wp-admin -> Users -> Vendors -> Edit). But technically, it’s not feasible as the registration form’s field will vary from admin to admin as a result mapping the registration form fields with the pre-defined vendor details (after approval) is not possible automatically. Hence, we have left this to the vendor to fill the details from the frontend (Vendor Dashboard -> Store setting) or manually by the admin. Hope I am able to answer your concerns.
RimpaI have a problem with reg form ….. i added attached file but it’s not required but each time vendor go to fill the form and ignore this filed got this error message ” Error: Please Upload valid file ”
@miclotfy – Apology for the issue you are facing. Yes, the issue you are facing is there. As the vendor registration form is a newly added feature to WC-Marketplace, so some enhancement is required.
We have taken this into account and would come up with this enhancement in our next update.
I am not able to create Vendor Registration form. I am not able to Drag or select Fields to create the Form and Ajax Spinner is spinning all the time near Save button.
Also, Can we create Registration Wizard?
@nikhilrastogi I hope you have visited our youtube channel where we have uploaded a video on How to set up Vendor Registration form:
Even after setting this properly you are unable to save the form, Please reach us through our official support forum, so that we can help you with this. Also, please do not forget to mention this thread link there.
Regarding the Registration Wizard, WC Marketplace is flexible enough to let you modify this according to your need. In order to achieve this, you have to customize the core plugin.
MoumitaHi Moumita,
I have visited the youtube channel, but the issue that i am facing is not been resolved till now. I got a loader always open near the save button and it is not allowing me to add any field to the registration form.
Please reach us through our official support forum, so that we can help you with this. Also, please do not forget to mention this thread link there.
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