• Hello,

    I am currently building a wp site for a NPO. They want to have a “team” page. The team is separated in a few departments. THe structure looks somewhat like this :

    Dept 1
    – Employee rank 1
    – Employee rank 2
    – Employee rank 2 (sorted alphabetically)
    Dept 2
    – …

    Each employee “is” a post.
    I want to make the system so it is quite easy to :

    • Add an employee to any dept (that is already easy, of course).
    • Change the dept the employee is attached to.
    • Change the order of the departements (w/o loosing the employee attached!)

    So here is what I’ve thought so far :

    • Each dept as a category
    • Employee rank and name in a custom field : rank.name so I can sort them by rank then alphabetically by name.

    then I display the team on a page using the following piece of code :

    global $ancestor;
    $childcats = get_categories('child_of=' . $cat . '&hide_empty=1');
    foreach ($childcats as $childcat) {
    	echo '<h2>'.category_description($childcat->cat_ID).'</h2>';
      if (cat_is_ancestor_of($ancestor, $childcat->cat_ID) == false){
    query_posts(array ( 'order' => 'asc', 'category__in' => array($childcat->cat_ID),'orderby' => 'meta_value', 'meta_key' => 'classement_equipe' ));
    	if (have_posts()) : while (have_posts()) : the_post();
    	echo '<div class="featured-thumbnail">'; the_post_thumbnail(); echo '</div>';
    	endwhile; else:
    	echo 'error';

    The problem is I cant change the category order!!

    Do you have any ideas : should I use custom post types ? Taxonomies ? more custom fields ?

    Thanks a lot !

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  • You can try adding employees as subscribers and selectively displaying them on pages. The HubSpot for WordPress plugin does this and there is a button on the visual editor to insert the short codes to display employees. This way you can have several pages set up for each department and choose which employees to display on each page.

    Otherwise I know there are plugins out there that help modify category order.

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