• Hello. First I have to say this is one of the best plugins ever for sports websites, great job. I would like to know if there is any way to bulk edit/remove/hide squad numbers for players on the Team page or the Player Details page. I uploaded a player list for a bunch of teams and they all had squad numbers. After the last season ended we decided not to use squad numbers and to manually go into each player page (over 200 player) to delete the squad number will be very tedious. Let me know if there is any other solution to this issue.

    Thank you.


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  • Roch



    Thank you for your message! I’m glad that you are enjoying SportsPress.

    We can hide these via CSS! Would you mind pasting the link to your website here, so we can check it out?

    Kind Regards,

    Thread Starter badman010165


    Website link here: https://www.wbajamaica.com/
    Also something else came up within the past 24 hours. I was trying to import more than four games(past events) using a CSV file but it only imported 2 then I had to edit the file to do two at a time.

    Another issue I found which is strange is that after importing the events they didn’t tally up properly on the league table. When you visit the website check out this page ( https://www.wbajamaica.com/elite-basketball-league/ ) and take a look at games played already….I had to manually update the W, L column on the EBL League Table 2016. All the other default columns like PTS, etc updated automatically. GP is a column I created to try to show all games played by a specific team but I cant get that formula correct to do so, so I had to manually update that column too.
    Please let me know what I need to fix to resolve these issues.

    Thank you much.

    Thread Starter badman010165


    I fixed the issue with regards to the League Table not adding up the proper wins and losses. For some strange reason the W and L columns in the Configuration area were set to W=Win and L=Loss when the equation really should have been W=W and L=L.

    The only equation issue now is that I wanted the PTS column to be for every win its 2pts and every loss its 1pt but there is no “IF” option for the equation.

    Still need help with the other issues mentioned before. Thank you.


    I am interested in the CSS for hiding the squad numbers as well. I would just like the player images to show up on the team page since I have the squad number inside the jpg anyay.


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