• Hi,

    I’m using version 1.1.15 with WordPress 4.1. It used to work with previous versions/combinations of WordPress and ADI.

    Now, each time I try to import the users of a specific group, I get the same error message :

    [INFO] ————————————-
    2015-01-08 / 12:51:57

    [INFO] Options for adLDAP connection:
    – base_dn: dc=domain,dc=com
    – domain_controllers: mydc.domain.com
    – ad_username: [email protected]
    – ad_password: **not shown**
    – ad_port: 389
    – use_tls: 0
    – network timeout: 5
    [NOTICE] adLDAP object created.
    [INFO] Domain Controller: mydc.domain.com
    [INFO] 3 Members of group “WordPress_Admins”.
    [INFO] 968 Members of group “G_Users”.
    [INFO] Number of users to import/update: 1104 (list generated in 1 seconds)
    [NOTICE] Updating user “[email protected]@domain.com” with following data:
    – email : [email protected]
    – first name : FirstName
    – last name : LASTNAME
    – display name : LASTNAME FirstName
    – account suffix: @domain.com
    – role : administrator
    [NOTICE] – user_id :
    [FATAL] Error updating user.

    There are a few strange things.
    – The updating user line shows a username with a double @domain.com
    – The user_id line is empty. How is generated this field ?
    – Is the user_id generated with the mail, the SAMaccountname or the UPN ?

    How could I get more information about what is going wrong ? I tried to activate the DEBUG mode in WordPress, but it produces no effect on the import.log file.

    Since this bug, new people are not present in the user database and gone people are not deleted.

    Could someone help me, please ?
    Thanks in advance



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