Bulk submit to directory sites maybe seen as spam and get de-ranked
I heard that bulk submits to directory listings (which have duplicate or similar? content) may soon be regarded as spam by some search engines. Perhaps it would be handy to be able to customize the contents of each submission, either now or later. The plugin can manage the present state of each listing. Maybe even schedule regular changes to the listings.
The plugin details page has the following;“
SEO expertise is NOT required to utilize this Plugin
No, SEO expertise is NOT required to utilize this Plugin and optimize your website for Local Search. With the Step by Step Local SEO Guide we will walk you through the entire process.
we can only cover everything necessary in a detailed SEO guide plan.”
And above, you say
“Furthermore we advocate creating all the foundational links first as described in our Premium SEO guide
I haven’t had this plugin activated for a good while, so can not remember all the details of how it works, but ;
Is the Premium SEO Guide or :detailed SEO guide plan” the same as the Local SEO Guide?
Is either guide actually needed because no SEO expertise is needed? or is the best SEO Guide needed so the user can learn their SEO expertise as part of the need in order to use this plugin?If “creating all the foundational links first” is important/necessary for proper operation of this plugin, but is only available in something extra feature, then the plugin is at risk of placing the user in a susceptible situation.
The wording of the details sounds like a complete kit is included and does not require a high level of expertise to use.
It is understandable that perhaps a high degree of expertise is essential for operation of the plugin, but it would be handy if this is not a confusable matter in the text of the details, so is it possible to make the situation clearer on plugin details page please?Thanks for your help.
As an aside there is a small Typo
re – “literally to many tools and features”,
“to” should be “too”Hello again,
thanks for your message and apologies for any confusion which i admit is natural, it’s partly due to the long time period that the platform has been developed over and we also failed to clearly name and define the assets included. I will try to address that now so please excuse the style of the text as the purpose is to try and clarify rather than write perfect prose.
1) First and most important the plugin simply allows a WordPress user to access the Localadworks.com SEO platform directly from the admin area of the website. For the best experience you can simply access the resources at our website with the same credentials – you will have more screen estate and find it easier than using the platform via WordPress ( you will also not need to have the plugin installed after, in fact you can just subscribe at the website and never need to install the plugin at all) For what it’s worth my recomendation is if you think you might be interested in the plugin, visit the website to find out all about what we do and register on the website if you are interested)2) About SEO – it used to be simpler and quite easy to get results but its much harder these days and more complex, it takes work BUT most of the work is knowing the right things to do, actually doing them takes less work but it’s still work and even a skilled SEO should expect around three months plus to see results. Do you need a degree in computer science or detailed marketing knowledge? No you need to be able to read and follow a guide and persevere through a variety of tasks, some mundane, easy, difficult, technical but they are all “doable” by ordinary non-technical people. Support and advice is available to paying customers.
3) About materials we provide. There is a large amount of “SEO Guide” materials available to our members now in a range of media but the key SEO resources are this
a) Basic SEO checklist available to trial customers only ( a brief limited document, it is not exhaustive or detailed)
b) Detailed SEO Checklist – Available to all paying customers ie “Premium” ( A detailed interactive checklist with a complete range of tasks that allows the user the tick each task completed as they progress and keep track of progress. It also integrates with the detailed user guide)
c) Detailed User guide – Available to all paying customers ie “Premium” ( This is a comprehensive detailed SEO guide for the entire SEO process, it is custom written for our platform and SEO tools to give premium users the best possible resources to perform SEO on their website. This guide is continually updated to keep abreast of the latest developments in Search marketing and in our own platform since they are both continually evolving.
d) Local SEO requires a specific approach and our platform allows users who seek to address local markets in a range of powerful ways that most SEO platforms do not. We do specifically address Local SEO in our user guide, in member articles, in user customizable platform functionality, citation functions and in other ways. We do recommend that clients read and use those.“If “creating all the foundational links first” is important/necessary for proper operation of this plugin, but is only available in something extra feature, then the plugin is at risk of placing the user in a susceptible situation.”
SEO is relatively complicated there are no real simple push button solutions that will do the work for you, if you believe that then you are misinformed and it is your ignorance and not our plugin that is “placing the user in a susceptible situation” What this means in essence is don’t embark on something like SEO without educating yourself and with a detailed guide you’re unlikely to get worthwhile results and may cause harm – that’s why we recommend our platform and the detailed guide.
Finally it’s regrettable that we cannot offer a simple button to push and for free but the unfortunately it’s not that simple and our services and staff cost real money so we do need to charge for them, I am sure that you can appreciate it. If you become a customer we will be happy to help further. If you subscribe request a call from me via support so that we can discuss your project.
Best Regards
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