• The bullet points on my single posts are fine in Firefox but invisible in IE. I can’t seem to find the div responsible.

    There is an earlier div that has invisible bullet points but that should not have cascaded down to the following div. It’s the basic WordPress div setup used for most themes as far as I can tell (I started with a theme created by someone else and then modified it).

    The site is: https://www.uterinesarcoma.org

    I’ve tried to figure this one out on my own but couldn’t. Any help would be hugely appreciated.


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  • I see no bullet points …. where are they ?

    Thread Starter joelwalsh


    The bullet points are on posts within the site, not the homepage. Here is a page that has bullet points directly under the first sub-heading:


    I’d imagine that the div tag responsible for your bullet output is under #postContent li? Do you have such CSS in your style.css?

    I know this is only my opinion, but you might like to consider the advantages of css versus tables.

    CSS has less weight and its easier to read and maintain than overbloated tables. But that’s just my opinion, of course ??

    IE has some display problems with bullets as well. You may need to give the post style where you want the bullets some extra left margin.

    [I second katie1….]

    That’s exactly it. Where you’ve removed the left margin from a ul, the bullets may cut off in IE. As well, I’ve found that I’ve had to remove the same amount of padding (rather than margin) to get an identical display in Firefox.

    oops …

    Yup. IE and FF can be almost totally opposite as to padding and margin tweaks. PITA.

    Thread Starter joelwalsh


    katie1, what were you saying about tables? It’s a 100% CSS layout; the only table is for the little list of icons that goes with each post, which I don’t think would work well with CSS–it’s hard to get things to align exactly like that with CSS positioning.

    Thread Starter joelwalsh


    What size margin should I set for the bullets? This is getting a little bit confusing for me, d**n M********t

    It varies. There’s no “one true way”. You put in a few px (like 10, maybe) or 1% maybe, and if that’s not enough, you tweak it some.

    99% of css for wp (and a LOT of other things) is tweaking.

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