Hi Tim,
Thanks for writing. Is this what you are looking for? https://dev.shoalsummitsolutions.com/players/marco-scutaro/
I know it is from our earlier discussion. I just used the formatting tools (ol, ul, li) provided above the player bio (actually post content) area. I used the standard WP post content editor for the player bio purposely to leverage the formatting tools and tabs that come with it. The standard editor provides great flexibility in building your own HTML as the content of a post or player bio in this case.
I should also note that I work exclusively in the TEXT tab, not the VISUAL tab. That’s because (a) past experience has taught me not to trust the visual tab, and (b) I understand HTML pretty well, and am comfortable reading markup. I can’t recommend working in the visual tab.
I decided to get cute and use the
tag, which preserves the formatting you cut and paste into it. I thought that might be of some use to you. But as you can see if you look at the page above, something has gone wrong and the theme styles are messed up below the
tag. Oops! :)
You should also be able to create a table in Excel, then cut and paste the html into the content editor. I have not tried that, but it should work UNLESS the HTML MS generates is too messed up with their 'unique features'.
You can also paste images in to a Bio from the WP Image Library. You could grab a screenshot a sexy layout of stats or whatever, and put the image in the player bio.
Hope that helps. If not, send me a link to a page with the problem. It could be your theme is doing something strange or that your HTML is not quite right. (I won't tell you which way I'm betting.) But I'm confident it is fixable.
Let me know.