• Resolved cfazio4



    I am trying to install your plugin, but I keep getting an error on the setup wizard “BULLETPROOF x.x SECURE .HTACCESS line of code was not found at the top of your Root htaccess file.”.

    I am also getting the error:

    “Your root htaccess file is Locked with Read Only Permissions.”

    “Use the Lock and Unlock buttons below to Lock or Unlock your root htaccess file for editing.”

    I am very confused.

    When I unlock my htaccess file it says:

    “Error: Unable to write to the Root htaccess file. If your Root htaccess file is locked you must unlock first.”

    But it is unlocked and autolock is turned off.

    I dont know how to proceed if I need write permissions but unlocking the file does not work.

    Root htaccess:

    deny from
    # BEGIN WP Rocket v3.7.2
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      Order deny,allow
      Deny from all
    # END MalCare WAF

    Any help would be appreciated I have no idea how to fix this.

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  • Plugin Author AITpro


    Do these steps and let me know what happens.

    1. Delete your root htaccess file.
    2. Run the BPS Setup Wizard.
    4. Click the Save Root Custom Code button
    5. Run the BPS Setup Wizard again. This may or may not need to be done to automatically setup WP Rocket htaccess code, but I recommend doing that anyway just in case. You can rerun the Setup Wizard over and over at any time.

    Plugin Author AITpro


    Did you get this resolved?

    Plugin Author AITpro


    Assuming all questions have been answered – the thread has been resolved. If the issue/problem is not resolved or you have additional questions about this specific thread topic then you can post them at any time. We still receive email notifications when threads have been resolved.

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