• I’m looking to start a WordPress meetup in Burlington, Vermont. I code but would love participation from designers and business owners.

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  • Hi guys
    I am shaile from India .I am a wordpress developer .
    I’m interersted to Burlington nice to meet you…:)


    Yeah, WordPress seems to be pretty neat. However, I’m now using another blog engine instead of WP for my site. Even though, I do some graphic design, I’m mostly an illustrator myself doing digital and print based work. I do some design work here and there digitally for various projects and one with an old friend of mine for the iOS/Android gaming platform.

    To be honest, I don’t code :). Although, I should try to learn some of it some time to enhance my website over time. For now, I’m just starting from scratch with my site.

    I currently live in Middlebury if I did’nt mention it before but am familiar with Burlington since I go up there weekly. The last time I was up there was for my art show/exhibition at SPACE Gallery for the Art of Horror. Great fun.

    Jackson, I do agree that coding is different on WP and right now I’m using SquareSpace which is somewhat less of a hassle to allow me to focus on my creative endeavors than spend so much time coding, coding and coding when I should be doing other things :).


    EDIT: oh and feel free to reach me if you need to talk. Cheers!

    Anyone going to Tech Jam? I’ll be there on Friday. This would be a good place for an impromptu WordPress meetup.

    Friday, October 28, 10 a.m. – 5 p.m.
    Saturday, October 29, 10 a.m. – 3 p.m.
    @ what was Border’s on Church street.

    Hi All,

    Starting new business and using WordPress to build a web site. Having some issues. Would love to get some help via a MeetUp group. Anything in the works?

    I moving to Vermont and would love to become a part of the WordPress Meetup if it happens.

    One more from Vermont… ??


    Is this going on? I’d like to get down on some Burlington WordPress action…

    There doesn’t seem to be much going on here in the northlands but I’d be willing to help start a meetup if anyone was interested.

    Reply with days of the week, times, and or topics that would be of interest.

    So WordPress Vermont…

    How about a meetup?

    I’ve got a conference room that we can use. Plenty of space, wifi, TV, whiteboard.. etc. It’s perfect for a meetup.

    The address is 77 College Street in Burlington.

    Anyone interested in a meetup let me know. I’m just throwing a time out there, how about 4/2 @ 6pm? I’ll bring beer.

    I am planning on moving to the Brattleboro area in the later part of the summer.
    {Remaining text moderated. Please note that this is not a support forum.]

    Hey I live in Burlington and would like to pick some knowledgeable peoples brains about WordPress if I could. I’m pretty new at WP but can make a basic site with html and css.

    I’d totally be up for a wordpress meetup — maybe we should start by forming a google group or something? or a twitterhashtag?

    how about #vtwp on twitter. no one is on that.

    Sounds great!

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