Hi @zepolo
Thank you for reaching out about this. I’m Garret from the customer success team and I’m sorry to hear that you’re having a problem here. I’ll be happy to help!
The 503 error is a general server-side error, and it may have more to do with your hosting than anything else, but it could be a conflict as well. First things first–have you checked the log files for your hosting configuration? A 503 error usually leaves a trace or dump of some kind. If you’re not sure where you find that, contact your web hosting provider as they will definitely know. That error message will likely tell you something you don’t know now.
You also need to eliminate other items as the cause so you know where it’s coming from. I’d suggest a full conflict test as well (but after the error log check)
Here is an article about how to test for theme and plugin conflicts with Business Directory, which may help pinpoint the issue: https://businessdirectoryplugin.com/knowledge-base/how-to-check-for-plugin-and-theme-conflicts-with-bd/
Before doing a conflict test, it is a best practice to take a backup of your site before beginning or to do the test on a staging site, in case any settings are changed during the process.
Finally, depending on how technical and DIY you are, you can set up WP error logs to see if you can find the problem on your own. Here’s a guide for doing that: https://www.wpbeginner.com/wp-tutorials/how-to-set-up-wordpress-error-logs-in-wp-config/
The error logs are the best place to start–see if you can find something there.
Please try that and let me how it goes.