Thanks for you feedback.
It is intentional that keywords in headings are not linked, as itit’s generally uncommon to place links in headings, and for a few good reasons:
- Accessibility and Usability: Headings are meant to structure the content and give an overview, not necessarily serve as interactive elements. Screen readers and assistive devices may not always expect or handle links in headings smoothly, which can confuse users.
- SEO: Search engines interpret headings (like H1, H2) as indicators of page structure and content relevance. Putting links in them can dilute their primary purpose and potentially mislead search engines about the core content of the page. Search engines favor clear, well-structured headings that align with the page’s main topics.
- Design Consistency: Most users expect headings to serve as informational or navigational markers rather than interactive elements. Placing links in headings can create inconsistency in the user interface and reduce clarity.
- Readability: Headings typically summarize sections, so adding links might make them feel cluttered or more challenging to read. Links in headings could also give the impression of a call to action rather than an informational guidepost.
That said, there are times when it makes sense, such as with “view more” sections in headings on blogs or specific calls to action in section headers. Just be cautious, as it’s usually better to keep headings focused on providing structure and use other elements, like buttons or anchor links, to drive interactions.
Is it important for you to link keywords in headings for other reasons? We might consider adding such an option in the settings so that this can be enabled at your own risk.