• Hi,

    I have set button colors in the customizer. (Blue fonts on yellow background)
    On above page you can see both blue and white fonts. On mobile some fonts displayed in white on Desktop are shown in blue on mobile. I have seen all possible combinations. I have searched and tried everything i could think of.

    It seems i have something on my site that transfers absolute links to relative links, something i have not been able to solve yet. But that would not explain these color changes, or would it ?


    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Hi John. Just for your own sanity, you might try deactivating your plugins (specifically any caching plugins like perfmatters), clearing your cache and opening the website in an incognito browser window. If things don’t appear more consistent, you might want to move on to double-checking customizer settings but it sounds like a caching or cdn issue from the detail you provided.

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 5 months ago by mchildress.
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