• I have 3 WordPress blogs on different sites and I upgraded them all to WP 2.5 yesterday. Two of the three work great, but one of them I discovered a really strange problem: buttons are missing in the visual text editor!

    There’s no full screen button, no “show/hide kitchen sink” button, no buttons to handle left/right/center/justified alignment, and no blockquote, etc.

    The buttons I DO have (in order from left to right) are:
    bold, italic, underline, strikethrough, [space], link, remove link, anchor link, insert image, “more” tag, subscript, superscript, text color, background color, and insert special character.

    As you can tell, LOTS of buttons are missing, and some of them (such as underline) are in the wrong place (it should be under the “show kitchen sink part!)

    I even tried deleting ALL my WordPress files and doing a clean install of WP 2.5 hooked to the original database. Is there an option somewhere that’s toggled to give me a “simple” visual text editor or something? I looked in the User settings and I have “Use the visual text editor” turned on, but I couldn’t find anything else.


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  • I was gonna say make sure the visual editor in your profile is ticked and make sure all the files have uploaded properly, not loads of help but double check those things.

    I am also having this problem. The visual editor worked fine two days ago. Last night some of the buttons appeared as line gibberish, some as blanks, and a few actually appeared correctly. Even the WordPress logo on the log in page had devolved into a mess of lines. I thought it might be a Mac thang, but the same thing is happening today on a PC.

    My profile has “Use the visual text editor” checked.

    I deleted the images folders in both wp-admin and wp-includes, and then uploaded new copies. The WordPress logo is back! No more blank icons! The “Add Media” icons are gorgeous. The HTML editor bar buttons appear. But most of buttons on the second line of the visual editor are still line gibberish.

    Please help!

    Great suggestion to recopy new image files. I tried it and my kitchen sink now displays properly!

    I am using a fresh installation of 2.5, if I click HTML at all it goes away .. now I can’t restore it. I have re-uploaded those images directories…any suggestions?

    I fixed this issue by removing the MU-Admin Bar v. 1.4.1 plugin from the mu-plugins directory. As soon as that was gone – the button appeared again.

    I’m running 2.51 in a single user environment and my icons to edit the posts are also gone ??

    The strange thing is that I only have access to viewing the post/page in HTML (I see the <p tags, meaning HTML, but the actual mode selection is on “Visual” and I cant toggle between the two).
    I don’t understand how these installations can just fall-over like this.

    As an additional (to all of those who find this via the wrong Google keywords whilst searching) – Here is what the problem is :

    If Firefox is common to all the problems then that is most likely the cause.

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