• Resolved Zander1983


    I have downloaded the free version of the gift card plugin and added a gift card as a product. Can I buy this gift card through the Woo Commerce Order API for a custom amount?

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  • Plugin Author pimwick


    We haven’t tested out the plugin using the WooCommerce Orders API. It should work, you just need to set the following meta keys:

    pw_gift_card_amount – the amount of the gift card, used for both pre-defined and custom amounts.
    pw_gift_cards_custom_amount – when you aren’t selecting a pre-defined amount.
    pw_gift_card_to – the email address of the recipient.
    pw_gift_card_from – the name of the sender.
    pw_gift_card_message – an optional message from the sender.

    Let me know if this works for you.

    Plugin Author pimwick


    Since we haven’t heard back I’m going to mark this as resolved. If you need help in the future just let us know!

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