Hi @doncoryon
I hope you’re well today and thank you for your question!
The Page Cache (I understand that’s what you’re referring to) in Hummingbird can be turned on/off for all logged-in users at once, regardless of their role, with “Include logged in users” switch on “Hummingbird -> Caching -> Page Cache” page.
There’s no option to set that based on user-role but it might be doable with a filter:
This filter is used like this in plugin code
$state = apply_filters( 'wphb_shold_cache_request_pre', true );
so if you add it (“add_filter”) to return “false” and do it only if logged-in user is of certain role it should “break” the cache and user should be served not-cached version of a page.
That is, assuming that caching for logged-in users is enabled at all.
That being said, would you tell me more about this conflict that you discovered – what’s the exact issue? Have you tried to actually disable cache for logged-in users or entire to confirm it’s conflict with cache?
Best regards,