Cache miss when Blocksy Companion active
I use Blocksy and the companion on many sites and have only just discovered that the plugin is causing cache: miss on every page of one of my sites for logged in users – I am using Litespeed Cache. I think this must have something to do with cache-reset-manager file, but there don’t seem to be any settings related to caching that can be adjusted. Can you help me change this behaviour or suggest a solution? I have tried turning all plugins off and just have BC and LiteSpeed Cache active but it gives cache: miss every time on every page for logged in users, but hit for logged out users. I am also raising this with LSCache – I have a thread running for a few weeks now trying to resolve my caching issues as my site is very slow, and I have finally managed to isolate yours and another plugin as the culprits. I would also be interested to know why there is a need for your plugin to clear the entire site cache? Thank you for any assistance you can give me.
P.S. I use a child theme and just tried changing to the main Blocksy and got cache: hit, private so now I have to investigate further; any suggestions will still be very welcome though!
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