• Resolved doconeill


    I’m running the 0.6.1 plugin now on three sites. All have the same settings, but with different meta tags. memcached plugin, no nginx. None of the “no cache” options are set, invalidation time is set at 300, and invalidation method is “all cached pages”.

    On two of the sites, I have a welcome page as the default with the titles/links of a few posts displayed, and the magic “/news/” page where the posts are displayed normally.

    On these two sites, if I post a new article, and then view in an unauthenticated browser, I’m not seeing the changes, even after 300 seconds. It appears that the cache is not being invalidated in either case. If I resave my WP-FFPC options, it appears to invalidate everything as expected.

    I have not noticed this on the third site, which is more of a standard blog-type setup, but it’s a busier site. I’ll do more testing with it when I can.

    FYI: I do not have the other “memcache” plugin installed, should I expect to always see “Warning: ini_get_all() [function.ini-get-all]: Unable to find extension ‘memcache’ in /blah/wordpress/wp-content/plugins/wp-ffpc/wp-ffpc.php on line 278” on the settings page now?


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  • Thread Starter doconeill


    I’ve looked at the code, and I’m looking at the line in wp-ffpc-common.php wp_ffpc_set(), where $exp gets set:

    $exp = $wp_ffpc_config[‘user_logged_in’] ? $wp_ffpc_config[‘expire_member’] : $wp_ffpc_config[‘expire_visitor’];

    Where do those wp_ffpc_config values get set? I see nothing anywhere else in the code with those strings. The only config value is called “expire”…but I may be misunderstanding the code.

    Thread Starter doconeill


    One further data point – it looks like editing an existing post clears the cache, but adding a new one doesn’t.

    And this is what I got in the syslog:

    Mar 14 22:16:58 sheen httpd: wp-ffpc: server added, persistent mode: 0; cache type:
    Mar 14 22:17:05 sheen httpd: wp-ffpc: server added, persistent mode: 0; cache type:
    Mar 14 22:17:06 sheen httpd: wp-ffpc: server added, persistent mode: 0; cache type:
    Mar 14 22:17:12 sheen httpd: wp-ffpc: server added, persistent mode: 0; cache type:

    Plugin Author petermolnar


    Hi @doconeill,

    expiration time bug:
    I’m very sorry about this bug, I’ve learnt it’s existense a few days ago myself as well. It’s a leftover from a really old version of the plugins, and this was one of the reasons I decided to go with a fully refactored code when aiming for 1.0 release.
    There’s a branch in the svn under, currently in beta status; if you could please test that version that would be a very big help, and I’d really appreciate it.: https://plugins.svn.www.ads-software.com/wp-ffpc/branches/v1.0/

    ini_get_all() warning
    A new check is going to be introduced to get rid of those messages; unfortunately I wasn’t checking the existense of the plugin at a point.

    new posts not invalidating
    I’ll take a look into the plugin not clearing cache on post, according to the hooks I use, it should, although there might been some changes on WordPress side in the former releases I’m no aware of.
    Is the invalidation method set to post only, or it’s full flush in this, problematic case?

    Thread Starter doconeill


    I’ll give the svn tree a try tonight or this weekend.

    The invalidation method is set to “full flush” (stored as “0” in the advanced-cache.php file.

    Another data point – I did two edits to a couple posts on the third “normal” site, and the main page is not updating in the cache.

    Thread Starter doconeill


    The 1.0 branch is working perfectly for me so far, aside from a few cosmetic things.

    On the settings page, it always says that the settings haven’t been saved yet and that the config file hasn’t been written yet, and the “WARNING” for the invalidation method needs to update to match the options (which doesn’t say “all” any more).

    I’ll let you know after if there are any issues.

    Plugin Author petermolnar


    Hi doconeill,

    Thank you very much for the test.
    The invalidation method’s text has been replaced this morning ( UTC time ) but the other error conserns me: I’ve added additional tech info line to those warning, could you please copy-paste the exact error for me?

    Thread Starter doconeill


    I updated it one one of the sites to the latest code. Here is what it said…it appears it is checking the plugin’s own directory for the advanced-cache.php/writeability, instead of the wp-content directory:

    WARNING: plugin settings are not yet saved for the site, please save settings!

    Technical information: the configuration array is not present in the file /web/sitehome/wordpress/wp-content/plugins/wp-ffpc/wp-ffpc-config.php

    WARNING: advanced cache configuration file is yet to be generated, please save settings!

    Technical information: please check is location is writable: /web/sitehome/wordpress/wp-content/plugins/wp-ffpc/wp-ffpc-config.php

    I make the directory writable and saved, and the messages went away, but it wrote the file where it was supposed to.

    Plugin Author petermolnar


    In the new branch, for technical reasons i needed to create an additional file beside the advanced-cache.php which stores the var_export of the global config. The only obvious location to store it is the plugin’s folder.

    So there will be two generated files: wp-content/advanced-cache.php & wp-ffpc-config.php in the plugins folder.

    Maybe i need to changes this, i’ll try some different ideas.

    Thread Starter doconeill


    OK, I was missing that it wanted to write a new file. Once I let it did, but it contains the same information, just declared differently.

    Plugin Author petermolnar


    I’ve revisited the storage of options and dropped the config file approach.
    Also, branch v1.0 is in trunk now, if you could please try the current trunk, that would be a big help.

    The outcome is that there’s two config value stored for the plugin in the DB: one is always a per site option, one is always global, but there’s no difference for a standalone site, only for network.
    Therefore I altered the warning message as well if the config values are not yet present and added a better uninstall & cleanup as well.

    Plugin Author petermolnar


    Hi doconeill,

    I’m planning to release 1.0 on Friday, I’d really appreciate if you could please test it before that.
    It’s in current trunk.


    Thread Starter doconeill


    Sorry, I was working and couldn’t get to it yet.

    I didn’t specify a branch when I checked it out, and I don’t use svn much – what branch specifically do you want me to check out?

    Plugin Author petermolnar


    I’ve moved to GitHub with the plugin’s development line, I leave WordPress SVN only for the releases towards www.ads-software.com. The latest code is at:


    Thread Starter doconeill


    OK, that’s what I’ve checked out without any branch parameters…I’ll update that and get back to you this evening.

    Wait, do you want me to get the git version now?

    Thread Starter doconeill


    I edited afterwards, so you might not have seen it…do you want me to get the git version instead?

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