• Resolved romarcio



    By default the max cache size is configured to 0,5GB (500.000kb). That confioguration is localized in autoptimizeCacheChecker.php. But this configuration has not worked well, since when the cache size exceeds this value, it is not deleted.

    In Autoptimize Settings there is this option:

    Cached styles and scripts 898 files, totalling 602158 Kbytes (calculated at 18:36 UTC)

    Then, I understood that when the “totalling” was larger than 500000, it should be deleted. Am I right?
    If I am, why is it not deleted each time that it exceeds the 500000kb?


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  • Plugin Author Frank Goossens


    Then, I understood that when the “totalling” was larger than 500000, it should be deleted. Am I right?

    no, the code in AO simply shows a warning in the wp-admin in that case, there is no automatic cache-purge in AO (see the FAQ for info on that topic + how to keep cache size under control)

    hope this clarifies,

    Thread Starter romarcio


    Okay, thank you.

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