Cached Files Not Displayed or Flushed When FullPath = ABSPATH
I had an issue where the file-based opcache was not being cleared or displayed in the Cached Files section. I resolved it as follows:
Suggest updates in two places:
1. Lines 105 – 109 in class-flush-opcache-cached-files-list.php to validate against both get_home_path () and ABSPATH:if ( false !== strpos( $script['full_path'], get_home_path() ) ) { $home_path = get_home_path(); } elseif ( false !== strpos( $script['full_path'], ABSPATH ) ) { $home_path = ABSPATH; } else { continue; } $item = array(); $item['full_path'] = str_replace( $home_path, './', $script['full_path'] );
2. Line 318 in class-flush-opcache-admin.php to validate against both get_home_path () and ABSPATH.
if ( false === strpos( $script['full_path'], get_home_path() ) && false === strpos( $script['full_path'], ABSPATH ) ){
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