HI @lost89,
The amount that the customer is actually spending must meet the requirement for free shipping.
In this instance, the customer is only actually spending $88. It doesn’t matter that they are buying $110 worth of goods, the money that they are paying for those goods is $88 which is below the required threshold for free shipping.
When a business owner makes the decision to offer free shipping based on a certain purchase threshold, this is what they are thinking. The amount being spent has to be high enough for them to be willing to eat the cost of shipping.
Otherwise, I could purchase $200 worth of products and score a coupon that offers me a 90% discount, which would mean I effectively only spend $20 and the shop owner still has to pony up for shipping. They wouldn’t be in business for very long with that kind of set up.
So, TL;DR, it isn’t possible to apply free shipping before coupons are calculated because the amount of money that is actually changing hands is what is important.
I’ll go ahead and mark this thread as resolved now. If you have any other questions, do open a new thread.