Hi @fatih71,
In the current version of the plugin, all fields included in the summary are displayed, no matter if the user has entered a value or not, only are excluded the the dependent fields that are inactive.
If you want hide the fields without a value assigned would be needed customize your copy of the plugin, specifically the “/wp-content/plugins/calculated-fields-form/js/fields-public/16_fbuilder.fsummary.js” file.
– Open the file with the text editor of your choice.
– Go to the piece of code:
if( e.hasClass( 'ignore' ) )
and modify it as follows:
if( e.hasClass( 'ignore' ) || /^\s*$/.test(tt.find( '.cff-summary-value' ).html()))
– Now, go to the settings page of the plugin, through the menu option: “Settings/Calculated Fields Form”, untick the checkbox: “Activate Javascript Cache”, and press the “Update” button.
If you need additional help customizing the plugin’s code, you should hire a custom coding service. Please, visit my website:
Best regards.